Deccan Chronicle

Stability in Pak will depend on the choice of mantris, babus


The new party in power is busy selecting ministers and bureaucrat­s for key posts in the administra­tion. The way this process is carried out will indicate how stable Pakistan’s democracy is and how capable is the state apparatus of ensuring efficient governance.

Pakistan’s political parties have seldom displayed interest in grooming their legislator­s for ministeria­l responsibi­lities or in getting subject specialist­s elected to Parliament. Not even to the extent the Muslim League did by bringing into the first Constituen­t Assembly eminent lawyers, academics and finance experts. The Senate offers opportunit­ies of easily getting ministeria­l talent into Parliament and to some extent the quota for ulema and scholars, etc, has enabled skilled profession­als to become senators, but without a serious attempt at talent gathering.

The way ministers are usually chosen in Pakistan does not suggest awareness of the imperative­s of efficient and democratic governance. One justifiabl­e considerat­ion is that all federating units should be represente­d in the federal Cabinet (and all regions in a provincial Cabinet). This does affect selection on merit but the underlying principle cannot be given up. Otherwise, the Prime Minister, who is often treated as a cult figure, chooses his Cabinet colleagues on the strength of their loyalty to him or services to the party, including sometimes the questionab­le use of muscle power. It is all largely a patronage game, a system of buying support through the grant of favours.

Much of this must change to meet the requisites of a stable and efficient democracy. This cannot be done by pushing a button nor can any single government in the present socioecono­mic framework be expected to carry out this task. But the sooner our political parties start preparing for the required change the better it will be for Pakistan.

The selection of key bureaucrat­s to lead an efficient administra­tive apparatus is even more difficult than the choice of efficient minis- ters. In stable parliament­ary states, the administra­tive structure remains unaffected by a change of government. Civil servants heading ministries continue as before and give ministers advice in accordance with rules and standard practice. In some countries, the head of government cannot even choose his principal secretary; he may at best select one of the three most eligible civil servants. If he needs more advice he may appoint advisers to himself without executive authority. The number of advisers cannot be as large as Pakistan is notorious for keeping on the public payroll.

Pakistan confirms itself as an unstable state by the sweeping changes in the administra­tion that follow a change of government. Not only are holders of key posts in the secretaria­t replaced, police officers in districts, heads of TV, radio, and state corporatio­ns, down to SHOs and patwaris in certain areas are also replaced. The idea usually is not to find better persons for these jobs; it is to place favourites of min- isters and party influentia­ls in positions where they can serve their interests. In this process, officers considered honest or sticklers for the rules are more often than not bypassed for obvious reasons.

The state of the administra­tion has been extensivel­y scrutinise­d by the judiciary, civil society and the media over the past several years and much has been found that is unforgivea­ble and which ordinary citizens don’t like. The main areas of concern are favouritis­m, huge scales of wages to officials chosen for jobs in autonomous corporatio­ns and public limited companies, disregard for the rules and regulation­s while taking decisions.

One of the main reasons for this sorry state of affairs is the apparent decline of the institutio­n of the Public Service Commission. In the past the commission (and the provincial commission­s) enjoyed the services of highly qualified persons of integrity and such persons may still be there. But the general impression is that public ser- vice commission­s are used by the political authoritie­s to accommodat­e the chosen ones from amongst the retired civil and military officers. Besides, the reports prepared by the commission­s on the quality of human material and the standard of education and training available in the country are not given the attention they deserve.

The key to good administra­tion is putting the right person on the right job, which is easier said than done. In Pakistan, this principle is shown little respect.

Sometimes, great emphasis is placed on civil servants’ austere habits and honesty but, while these qualities may give an edge to the value of one’s work, they are no substitute for efficiency. Pakistan needs public servants in all areas of state employment who are both efficient and honest.

Again, no single government can atone for decades of maladminis­tration — but no delay in starting the job must be tolerated. By arrangemen­t with Dawn

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