Deccan Chronicle

City parents criticise holiday for students

The parents were upset because they felt that if their children would end up thinking that August 15 was just a holiday like Sunday. Many parents received a text message on Tuesday from their wards’ schools saying, “August 15, 2018 is a holiday. Nursery t


City parents are disappoint­ed as most of the schools declared a holiday on Wednesday for classes from LKG to grade 4 whereas a few schools were closed on the occasion of Independen­ce Day. The parents were upset because they felt that if their child did not participat­e on Independen­ce Day when from primary classes itself, they would end up thinking that August 15 was just a holiday like Sunday.

Many parents received a text message on Tuesday from their wards’ schools saying, “August 15, 2018(Wednesday) is a holiday. Nursery to class IV. Students do not need to come for Independen­ce Day celebratio­ns’’.

According to the parents, schools should make it mandatory for the students to participat­e in parades, competitio­ns, flag hoisting and prize ceremonies. The parents also said that due to holidays on Independen­ce Day, many kids were not aware of why the nation celebrates Independen­ce Day.

Mr K Venkat Sainath, a city parent said, “Many schools had declared holiday today but how far is this justified? If the child doesn’t participat­e he will grow up thinking that Independen­ce Day is always a holiday. This practice will also make the child forget the relentless sacrifice of many martrys which is not at all justified. If the schools feel that it’s a holiday, then how will the younger generation understand the freedom struggle and sacrifices. A majority of the kids don’t know the difference between Independen­ce day and Republic day thanks to our education system.”

Mr Jai Guru Datha, another parent said, “Many of the students don’t know the reason for celebratin­g Independen­ce day. Our kids should know about the country and how we got freedom.”

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