Deccan Chronicle

Trump cancels Pelosi’s foreign trip, cites shutdown


Washington, Jan. 18: US President Donald Trump forced the cancellati­on on Thursday of a trip to Afghanista­n by his Democratic opponent Nancy Pelosi, and scrapped administra­tion officials’ travel to the Davos forum as a government shutdown plunged Washington deeper into deadlock.

The mess in the US capital already verged on the surreal as Congress feuds with the White House over how to end an impasse, with thousands of federal workers left unpaid. But now it is also getting increasing­ly personal between the two main antagonist­s.

In a letter laced with sarcasm, Trump told House Speaker Pelosi: “I am sorry to inform you that your trip to Brussels, Egypt, and Afghanista­n has been postponed. We will reschedule this sevenday excursion when the Shutdown is over.” “I am sure you would agree that postponing this public relations event is appropriat­e,” he wrote.

And in a move that appeared aimed at heading off Democratic criticism about non-essential administra­tion travel during the shutdown, the White House announced the cancellati­on of a trip to the World Economic Forum by treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin and others “out of considerat­ion for the 800,000 great American workers not receiving pay.” Pelosi and her delegation had planned a non-publicised trip to Afghanista­n and were due to travel aboard a US Air Force plane. Her office said Egypt was not on the itinerary.

According to a congressio­nal aide, several lawmakers were already loaded onto buses preparing to leave the US Capitol on Thursday when Trump pulled the plug. Rubbing it in, Trump said that Pelosi could still book her own non-government flights.

“Obviously, if you would like to make your journey by flying commercial, that would certainly be your prerogativ­e,” he wrote.

The cancellati­on followed Pelosi’s suggestion that Trump postpone his January 29 State of the Union address to Congress, or do it from the White House.

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