Deccan Chronicle

Chrome beta for Android includes new ‘dark mode’


Dark Mode has hit the mainstream for sometime now. But 2019, will finally be the breakthrou­gh year as tech companies adopt the mode. Google, being the latest to adopt the dark mode.

The company, which has already revealed its plan to launch a dark mode for macOS and Windows 10 browsers, included an early look at the mobile browser’s upcoming night-friendly viewing option in the Chrome 73 beta for Android.

The Android test, however, is still in its early stages as it only appears in the pop-up menus when Android 9 Pie’s ‘Night Mode’ is set to ‘Always On’ in ‘Developer Options’, Techradar reported citing 9to5Google.

The experiment­al dark mode turns pop-up menus dark gray, as opposed to their usual all-white design. But its still a long path before a full roll out as the URL text is still displaying in black, making

it quite hard to read against a dark gray background.

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