Deccan Chronicle

Rahul: Hugged Modi to cool down ‘angry PM’

Says Modi is ‘not able to see beauty in world’


Chennai, March 13: Congress president Rahul Gandhi on Wednesday said he has “genuine” affection for Narendra Modi and that is what he tried to show when he hugged the prime minister after watching him become “very angry” in Parliament.

Interactin­g with women students of a city college, he recalled the day he hugged Modi and said he cannot hate him since love “is in the country's grain, every religion, and the Tamil people”.

When a student asked why he chose to hug the prime minister, Gandhi said he watched a 'very angry' Modi in Parliament running down his party, his late father Rajiv Gandhi and mother Sonia.

However, deep inside, he said, he felt affection for Modi and he thought Modi was angry “because he is not able to see the beauty of the world”.

“So I thought that at least from my side, I should show him some affection.”

When Rahul said, “I genuinely feel love for the Prime Minister,” the students broke into laughter and raised their voices, to which he repeated “I genuinely do (love him).”

The Congress leader, participat­ing in his first such interactio­n during his one-day tour of Tamil Nadu, said people who do not have affection towards others are the ones who are not loved.

“... And that was why he (Modi) generates anger,” he claimed.

In 2014, when Congress lost the Lok Sabha polls, it felt disappoint­ed, but offered the best outcome, which was about understand­ing,learning politics, people and humility, he said.

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