Deccan Chronicle

It will be official end of Iran, warns Trump

■ Trump issues sternest direct threat to Tehran ■ Iran says genocidal taunts will not end it


Washington, May 20: In his sternest direct threat to Tehran, US President Donald Trump has warned that a military confrontat­ion with America would ‘be the official end of Iran.’

Tensions between the US and Iran have been growing as the Trump administra­tion has deployed a carrier strike group and B-52 bombers to the Gulf, citing Iranian ‘threats.’

“If Iran wants to fight, that will be the official end of Iran,” he said in a tweet on Sunday. “Never threaten the United States again!”

The terse tweet comes amid rising fears over a potential military confrontat­ion between the two countries. Trump administra­tion officials are debating recent intelligen­ce regarding whether Iran or the militias it supports are possibly planning to attack US assets in the Gulf or whether it is acting defensivel­y in an attempt to deter US action.

Trump’s tweet marks a shift in tone after recent attempts from both sides to downplay the possibilit­y of dangerous military conflict.

In an interview with Fox News broadcast on Sunday, Trump vowed that he would not let Iran develop nuclear weapons but said he did not want a conflict.

“I'm not somebody that wants to go into war, because war hurts

economies, war kills people most importantl­y - by far most importantl­y,” the US president said.

Reacting to Trump stepping

up his rhetoric toward Tehran, the country’s foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said on Monday the US President's ‘genocidal taunts’ will not ‘end Iran.’

“Iranians have stood tall for millennia while aggressors all gone. Economic terrorism and genocidal taunts won’t end Iran,” Zarif tweeted.

“Never threaten an Iranian. Try respect – it works!” he said.

The latest Washington-Tehran frictions come after Iran suspended its commitment­s under the 2015 landmark internatio­nal nuclear deal, and threatened to resume production of enriched uranium which is used to make reactor fuel and nuclear weapons.

The deal aimed to cut sanctions on Iran in exchange for an end to its nuclear programme, but the US unilateral­ly withdrew from the agreement last year. Calling the deal “defective”, Trump then re-imposed crippling sanctions on Iran.

The Trump administra­tion has attempted to use a combinatio­n of hawkish rhetoric, diplomatic pressure, economic sanctions and now military posturing in order to fundamenta­lly change the nature of the Iranian regime, CNN reported.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had said that Washington's actions, including abandoning the nuclear deal with Tehran, were meant to force Iran behave like a ‘normal’ country. –PTI

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