Deccan Chronicle

US blames Iran for attacks on Saudi

No evidence it came from Yemen: Pompeo


Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Sept. 15: Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is blaming Iran for drone attacks Saturday against Saudi Arabia's oil infrastruc­ture.

The attacks, attributed to Iranian-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen, sparked huge fires at a vulnerable chokepoint for global energy supplies.

But in Saturday tweets, Pompeo says “there is no evidence the attacks came from Yemen” and points the finger at Tehran. He adds, “Iran has now launched an unpreceden­ted attack on the world's energy supply.” The attacks come as Trump has held the door open for nuclear talks with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and as Iran restarted some uranium enrichment in violation of the 2015 nuclear accord.

Pompeo says the U.S. calls on all nations to “condemn Iran's attacks.” He adds, “The United States will work with our partners and allies to ensure that energy markets remain well supplied and Iran is held accountabl­e for its aggression.”

Meanwhile, President Donald Trump spoke Saturday with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman “to offer his support” after the attack on the Kingdom's oil facilities. The White House says in a statement that “The United States strongly condemns today’s attack on critical energy infrastruc­ture.” The attacks sparked huge fires at a vulnerable chokepoint for global energy supplies.

Spokesman Judd Deere says the attacks by the Iranian-backed Houthis “only deepen conflict and mistrust.” He adds that the U.S. government is “committed to ensuring global oil markets are stable and well supplied.”

Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has said he has received a telephone call from President Donald Trump in the wake of a Houthi rebel drone attack on Saudi oil facilities.

The Saudi Embassy in Washington says in a news release that Trump expressed readiness to cooperate with the kingdom in supporting its security and stability.

Trump said recent attacks against Saudi state-run oil facilities have had a negative impact on the U.S. and global economies. The crown prince assured Trump that Saudi Arabia is “willing and able to deal with this terrorist aggression,” according to the release.

 ??  ?? Smoke fills the sky at the Abqaiq oil processing facility on Saturday.
Smoke fills the sky at the Abqaiq oil processing facility on Saturday.

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