Deccan Chronicle

Naga peace process back on track again

- Bharat Bhushan

The deadline set by the government for settling the sevendecad­e-old Naga issue has come and gone. The ultimatum to “settle by October 31 or else” did not weaken the resolve of the National Socialist Council of Nagaland (Isak-Muviah) to persist with its key demands.

In the end, it seems that the Nagas have neither given up their demand for a separate flag nor for a Naga constituti­on. New Delhi has wisely chosen to blink first but made it clear that it does not recognise these two demands. However, it has also agreed to keep discussion­s open on them in the ongoing peace process.

Reports that the NSCN (I-M) had agreed to the use of the Naga flag only for social and cultural purposes now appear to be misleading. This was apparently a suggestion of the government that was rejected by the NSCN (I-M). The Naga argument has always been that the flag is a symbol of their identity and its importance cannot be eroded.

Contrary to the misconcept­ion that the Naga flag is the flag only of of the NSCN (I-M), it predates the formation of the organisati­on. It has been hoisted by the Nagas since 1956, beginning with legendary separatist leader Angami Zapu Phizo, who declared Naga “independen­ce” on August 14, 1947, a day before India attained freedom. It has been the symbol of Naga identity and struggle and binds all Naga tribes. It is unlikely that any Naga group will agree to give up easily on the flag, least of all the NSCN (IM), which has lost hundreds of lives under that banner.

The NSCN (I-M) has also not retracted on its demand for a separate constituti­on, but has agreed to discuss the issue further. The demand for a separate constituti­on derives from the Naga belief, much as New Delhi may not like it, that they were never a part of India either by consent or by conquest. The Framework Agreement signed between the government of India and the NSCN (I-M) on August 3, 2015 recognised the “unique history and position” of the Nagas and the “universal principle that in a democracy sovereignt­y lies with the people”. It, therefore, proposed forging “an enduring inclusive new relationsh­ip of peaceful co-existence of two entities”. This relationsh­ip was to be defined by “sharing the sovereign power as defined in the competenci­es” in the Indian Constituti­on.

The agreement’s recognitio­n of the Nagas as a separate entity was read by the NSCN (I-M) as acceptance by Delhi that the Naga people were sovereign who were ready for “sharing sovereignt­y” by defining a new federal relationsh­ip with the Union of India. As a separate entity or a “nation”, the NSCN (IM) believes that it is entitled to its own constituti­on even while seeking a close relationsh­ip with Delhi.

The Indian government’s negotiator­s perhaps read the agreement differentl­y and did not mean to concede the Naga interpreta­tion of

“sharing sovereignt­y”, or implying that because “the history and position of the Nagas” was unique therefore the power sharing with them would also be unique.

The dilemma of the government is unenviable. As a signatory to the Framework Agreement, the space for manoeuvre for the government’s negotiator­s is fairly limited. So as not to jeopardise the peace process, the two sides seem to have put the contentiou­s issues aside for the time being, promising to discuss them nonetheles­s in the future.

The government has made it clear that it is not in a position to concede either the Naga flag or a Naga constituti­on, but has emphasised that it understand­s the Naga sentiments. The NSCN (I-M) also understand­s the difficulti­es of the government. To this end, it has been noted that “both sides understood each other’s position” and therefore, “respecting the will of the Naga people and prevailing sentiments, the GoI and NSCN agreed that the two issues will be resolved amicably at the earliest possible through (an) earnest peaceful political process”.

The compromise saves the 22-year-old peace process and pending the settlement of the contentiou­s issues, other details of defining the federal relationsh­ip -- of sharing of competenci­es or subjects listed in the Union, State and Concurrent Lists of the Indian Constituti­on — can proceed apace.

Meanwhile, there were seven groups — the Naga National Political Groups (NNPGs) — that were eager to settle with Delhi without a separate flag and a separate constituti­on. But Naga civil society groups were opposed to any such move and NNPG leaders, fearing that they would be isolated, were not keen to sign an agreement if it excluded the largest armed group, the NSCN (I-M).

Although New Delhi had opened parallel negotiatio­ns with them, now government negotiator­s have suggested to NSCN (I-M) interlocut­ors that they should include the NNPGs the final peace accord. The NSCN (I-M)’s argument against the NNPGs is that its members are either those who have signed past accords that failed, or worse, are factions that exist under the protection of the Indian security forces. These groups, they assert, have lost any right to represent the Naga nationalis­t cause.

The NSCN (I-M)’s position is that allowing them to participat­e in the dialogue, given their factional and hostile activities in the past, has to be based on a clear political understand­ing. This common political position can be acceptance of the Framework Agreement of August 2015. That agreement was hammered out after decades of negotiatio­ns led on the Naga side by the NSCN (I-M), and sets the political boundaries of any final accord.

While there seems to have been considerab­le agreement between the two sides on the competenci­es of the Nagaland government, several contentiou­s issues remain. Though not insurmount­able, they are complex. The proposal on creating territoria­l autonomous councils for Nagas in the states adjoining Nagaland — Manipur, Arunachal and Assam — without impacting their boundaries, for example, will not be easy, as the state government­s will have to be brought on board. The Naga peace settlement is, therefore, still some distance away. It requires considerab­le patience and political acumen — not ultimatums.

New Delhi has wisely chosen to blink first but made it clear that it does not recognise these two demands. However, it has also agreed to keep discussion­s open on them in the ongoing peace process.

The proposal on creating territoria­l autonomous councils for Nagas in the states adjoining Nagaland — Manipur, Arunachal and Assam — without impacting their boundaries will not be easy...

The writer is a journalist based in New Delhi

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