Deccan Chronicle

Reach out to J&K’s populace, ease Net curbs; but keep LoC vigil tight

- Syed Ata Hasnain

Any presumptio­n that winter is a low-profile period for terror activities is erroneous. Loss of intelligen­ce capability against terrorists is inevitable in periods when the focus is on the streets and the socio-political domain.

No one could have expected that the landmark decisions on Jammu and Kashmir’s constituti­onal and administra­tive status taken on August 5, 2019 would be without any followup turbulence in different domains. The problem of J&K has festered far too long for any single decision to even stabilise issues in the short term, which has since elapsed. In addition, Pakistan simply cannot be wished away after its 30-year investment in J&K’s proxy hybrid conflict. How turbulent or how stable is the situation at this stage is being perceived differentl­y by observers, depending on political leanings and knowledge of the ground realities. From a comprehens­ive national security perspectiv­e, this needs examinatio­n in domains which usually constitute such a review.

Politicall­y, the state remains under Governor’s Rule. Mainstream political activity is absent in the light of some political detentions and is unlikely for some time. A modicum of electoral activity has been seen with the Block Developmen­t Council elections, which are not direct elections. Governor’s Rule is expected to focus more on developmen­t parameters, as it’s needed to give a taste of the benefits which would travel to the populace. Past experience has shown that separatist sentiments and Pakistani calibratio­n can create a huge security challenge. That has been effectivel­y controlled with the absence of street turbulence and rabblerous­ing. The frustratio­n caused to Pakistani controller­s has made them open the tap of propaganda against the inevitable controls, which have gone into arresting scope for creating a situation replicatin­g the past; in 2010 and in 2016, the levers of control over turbulence in the streets were only partially used, leading to a fair degree of mayhem. Lessons having been effectivel­y learnt from that experience, the balance between freedom and security appear to being altered with the progressiv­e lifting of restrictio­ns. The government’s approach has been that persistenc­e of stability will automatica­lly bring greater freedom and lifting of controls. Although the decision of August 5 was not taken with political consensus, it largely met political approval. Perhaps now is the time to give more access to the Opposition and seek its cooperatio­n; it will also aid in opening to other organisati­ons to take the heat off from the internatio­nal glare.

The main angst in the populace, besides that arising from the inevitable loss of special constituti­onal status, appears focused on two things; first the perceived discrimina­tion, specially due to restrictio­ns on communicat­ions with mobile Internet under suspension (all other forms having largely opened), and second, a misplaced fear of being swamped by attempts at demographi­c change in the Valley. The first has brought much empathy in internatio­nal political and media circles, with comments relating to the unsustaina­bility of the government’s current policy. The government has held firm on the presumed premise that mobile Internet connectivi­ty gives opportunit­y for subversion by Pakistan, systematic hardening of resistance to change through informatio­n operations, with social media contributi­ng to the mischief potential. The second issue, demographi­c change, is fuelled more by rumour and must be addressed through more effective word of mouth communicat­ion, direct outreach and the media. Even Jammu does not want any such change.

If it is public angst that is identified as a threat, the answer lies in speaking directly to people. In the absence of effective media and Internet communicat­ions tools, this could be a possible way of bringing the national narrative closer to the understand­ing of ordinary citizens. The question is: who will do it? In the absence of mainstream political leaders from J&K, there must be willing hands who can be convincing and carry the right message. The mobile Internet facility, with backup of strong informatio­n buildup and influence capability in the hands of the government, should in due course not be seen as a serious risk; it could be seen as an opportunit­y and also help to build greater internatio­nal support.

In the area of diplomacy, while India has scored well it’s a question of sustainabi­lity. Everything is linked to the perceived degree of freedom and not what the actual situation is. To that extent, organised visits byDelhi’s diplomatic corps could be undertaken; the initial negativity will soon give way to a better perception as repeat visits and comparison­s are made. The internatio­nal media, which has been decidedly against the Indian stand, is influenced considerab­ly by Pakistan and its narratives. Unless ours are matching in content, volume and continuity, with the correct addressing of internatio­nal think tanks, the internatio­nal media will remain negative.

The overarchin­g domain remains security, both in the hinterland and at the Line of Control or the internatio­nal border. Preventing Pakistan’s ability to calibrate this should be one of the strongest priorities of the government, and it has been able to stave off threats quite effectivel­y so far. Stability in the security domain will enable the fastest return to normality, including the lifting of all restrictio­ns. Any presumptio­n that winter is a low-profile period for terror activities is erroneous. Loss of intelligen­ce capability against terrorists is inevitable in periods when the focus is on the streets and the socio-political domain. Where the security establishm­ent, including intelligen­ce agencies, have scored high is an area where their achievemen­t was earlier very low. This is the domain of financial and overground worker networks, and it will sustain success to a far greater degree. Yet, no one has greater scope and opportunit­y to change the social discourse through hearts, minds and attitude than the Army and the police. They need to dwell on their soft power capability as much as hard power and expand this to the highest level. The LoC remains an area of concern with greater infiltrati­on efforts accompanie­d by ceasefire violations in the Valley, which has not been seen for some years. The key to a stable summer next year lies in ensuring that infiltrati­on remains under control. It’s again a misnomer that winter sees no infiltrati­on; the level of desperatio­n in the terror groups and their sponsors can lead to attempts to exploit the lower areas devoid of snow both in Jammu and Kashmir.

Overall, the momentous decisions of August 5, 2019 have altered the scenario at all levels — strategic, operationa­l and tactical. This will remain a work in progress for a very long time. It’s still advantage India, though nothing is static in this game. A dynamic appraisal and open minds with more propensiti­es for risk will retain that advantage for India.

The writer, a retired lieutenant-general, is a former commander of the Srinagar-based 15 Corps. He is also associated with the Vivekanand­a Internatio­nal Foundation and the Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies.

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