Deccan Chronicle

Impartial inquiry

IIIT-H body wants


Hyderabad: Students’ Parliament, comprising elected representa­tives of IIIT-H doing B. Tech, B. Tech Dual degree, M. Tech, MS and Ph.D, issued a public statement on Friday condemning the attacks at JNU. “The students of IIIT-Hyderabad strongly condemn the recent attacks on students and faculty of the JNU by masked and armed goons. We stand in solidarity with JNU and demand prompt and appropriat­e action against the perpetrato­rs,” read a statement. They questioned inaction of Delhi police and JNU administra­tion in protecting students and said that they are ‘deeply disappoint­ed’ by the ‘ghastly’ attack. The statement further said, “We, the fellow students and responsibl­e citizens of the country, stand in defence of our academic spaces in solidarity with students who have stood up. We will not be complicit in takeover of our educationa­l institutio­ns through a reign of terror. We demand a prompt and impartial inquiry.”

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