Deccan Chronicle

Trump set to be acquitted by Senate


Washington, Feb. 1: The Republican Party-controlled US Senate on Friday narrowly rejected the opposition Democrats’ motion to call new witnesses and documents for the impeachmen­t trial against President Donald Trump. As a result, the Senate is expected to acquit Trump of the charges early next week.

Trump is scheduled to deliver his third State of the Union Address on February 4. The move to invite new witnesses was defeated by 51 to 49 votes. In the 100-member Senate, the Republican Party has 53 seats and the Democrats 47. Two of the Republican Senators, Mitt Romney and Susan Collins, sided with the Democrats in this vote to call former White House national security adviser John Bolton and other Trump aides to testify.

The Democrats need 67 votes to convict and remove Trump from the White House.

“The vote represente­d a major victory for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Trump, both of whom have been calling for Republican­s to reject the motion and move towards ending the trial,” Politico said.

The House, wherein the Democrats enjoy a majority had impeached Trump on two counts of misuse of power and obstructio­n to the Congress.

The Senate started the impeachmen­t trial last week. “The Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrats keep chanting ‘fairness’, when they put on the most unfair Witch Hunt in the history of the U.S. Congress. They had 17 Witnesses, we were allowed ZERO, and no lawyers. They didn’t do their job, had no case. The Dems are scamming America!” Trump said in a tweet moments before the voting on move to call new witnesses.

“Democrats = 17 Witnesses. Republican­s = 0 Witnesses,” Trump tweeted after the vote justifying the Senate vote against the move to call new witnesses.

“The vote Friday represente­d a major victory for Republican leadership,” The Wall Street Journal said.

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