Deccan Chronicle

MNCs go for online recruitmen­t tests


Does the college and its brand name matter for a student who wants to take up a software job in a Multinatio­nal Company (MNC)? Not necessaril­y. These days most of the MNCs are carrying out their own online recruitmen­t tests on a mass scale, where in any interested student can apply and the selection process would be based on their performanc­e.

In 2019, Infosys launched, ‘The Infosys Certificat­ion’ on their mobile applicatio­n, InfyTQ. Through this app, students would be assessed on Programmin­g and Database and those who clear the assessment they would be certified and would be called for an interview on the same day. Similarly, doors were left open to all the engineerin­g, MSc and MCA students of the 2020 batch.

Tata Consultanc­y Services (TCS) has also come up with its own, National Qualifier Test (NQT) and they have conducted their online test in the month of July in the year 2019 for the outgoing 2020 batch.

Given these advancemen­ts, many of the companies, instead of coming to the campuses and conducting recruitmen­t tests, are calling out students from all colleges for the jobs. The student's skill set can help them land a job, instead of the brand name of the college. Students need not worry about the college especially when they are pursuing computer science engineerin­g, said one of the professors from JNTUH on the condition of anonymity.

There are several parents who tend to prefer that their children go to a reputed college with an aim that they would end up in a reputed job, even if the colleges are taking lakhs of rupees as fee. One such student, Sushma Latha said, “My parents preferred I join this college, by paying more than `7 lakhs of admission fee because this college has campus recruitmen­ts. But now, I can also easily get placed based on my own talent as well.”

On the other hand, campus recruitmen­t in many engineerin­g colleges is also not showing any increasing trend. As per the latest data from All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), just about 45 per cent of the engineerin­g students are being recruited through campus placements.

AS PER the latest data from All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), just about 45 per cent of the engineerin­g students are being recruited through campus placements

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