Deccan Chronicle

Senate vote to rein in Prez Use of forces against Iran only if Congress okays: Resolution


Washington, Feb. 13: The US Senate is scheduled to vote Thursday on a resolution calling for President Donald Trump to “terminate the use of US Armed Forces for hostilitie­s against Iran” unless those actions are authorised by Congress.

Trump rejects the measure, arguing it would be dangerous to limit his war-making power, and ahead of the vote he urged the Republican-majority Senate to oppose it.

“It is very important for our Country’s SECURITY that the United States Senate not vote for the Iran War Powers Resolution,” Trump said on Twitter. “We are doing very well with Iran and this is not the time to show weakness.” Trump tweeted, “Americans overwhelmi­ngly support our attack” on Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani, killed in a Trumporder­ed drone strike last month at the Baghdad airport. “If my hands were tied, Iran would have a field day,” he said. “Sends a very bad signal. The Democrats are only doing this as an attempt to embarrass the Republican Party. Don’t let it happen!”

Senators will vote on the resolution with the possibilit­y that five Republican­s will join the 47 Democrats in the 100-member chamber to approve the measure. It is certain to face a Trump veto, with supporters of the resolution unlikely to muster a two-thirds vote to override it.

Democratic Senator Tim

Kaine, the resolution’s sponsor, told the Senate: “The resolution before the body today is about Congress reclaiming its rightful role in decisions about war. The resolution is pretty simple. We should not be at war with Iran, unless Congress votes to authorise such a war.” He added, “While the president must always have the ability to defend the United States from imminent attack, the executive power to initiate war stops there. An offensive war requires a congressio­nal debate and vote.”

 ?? — AP ?? President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania with Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno and his wife Rocio Gonzalez at the White House, Washington.
— AP President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania with Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno and his wife Rocio Gonzalez at the White House, Washington.

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