Deccan Chronicle



ARIES March 21-April 20

S ince you set such high standards for yourself, it’s hardly surprising that you don’t always manage to live up to them. That’s nothing to be ashamed of. It’s much better to only just miss an optimistic goal than to set your sights on something that doesn’t make your heart sing. Although you haven’t quite managed to achieve what you’d hoped to achieve, you’re not yet fully aware of the effects of your efforts. Good news is on its way. At the very least, it brings a chance to use the experience you’ve gained.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: Sometimes just as we approach success, we decide it isn’t for us. The bonds you forge this week are worth sticking with.

TAURUS April 21-May 21

H ow are you supposed to react when people tell you to put your feelings aside and focus on the logical thing to do? Don’t they have a heart? Do they go through life like robots – impervious to feelings and ignoring their impulses and desires? How can you turn down the strength of your passions and your emotions when they’re a fundamenta­l part of who you are? You can’t! Don’t listen to anyone who tells you otherwise. The powerful planetary forces encourage you to follow your heart this week.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: With Jupiter and Neptune’s benign influence, try giving more of yourself; someone will yet return that favour.

GEMINI May 22-June 22

W hile lots of food is instantly edible, much of what we consume needs to be prepared before it can be digested. Whether it’s peeling, cutting, boiling or baking, it has to be processed before it becomes appetising. The same can be said for the events lining up this week. If you apply a flame of inspiratio­n and a blade of brilliance, you can cut your problems into bite-sized pieces. The planets are most encouragin­g. Take one step at a time and you’ll get further than you’ve dared dream of.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: Something seems too good to be true. But sometimes things fall into place. This will take you where you want to go.

CANCER June 23-July 23

The trouble with trouble is that it never takes a holiday. It’s always waiting for an opportunit­y to make its presence felt. Yet, even though it rarely takes time off, it’s prone to the occasional snooze when, if you take great care, and tiptoe past, you can get to where you want to be without disturbing it. Although I can’t guarantee that there won’t be the occasional creaking floorboard to navigate over, or that you won’t be overcome with a desire to tweak trouble’s tail, if you go gently, you’ll go far this week. IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: With support from Jupiter and Neptune, don’t disguise

your emotional response to a sensitive situation.

LEO July 24-August 23

A lthough you feel as if you lack certain resources, and are feeling underwhelm­ed about an aspect of your emotional life, all is not lost. In fact, there are reasons to celebrate the fact of your disenchant­ment about a particular situation. It’s providing you with the right reasons to motivate yourself to implement important and necessary change. You’ve been aware, for a while now, that something can’t continue in the same way. This week, the powerful cosmic climate shows you what you need to do.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: Here’s your moment to move a page from the drawer marked Regret into a folder labelled Opportunit­y. Grab this chance.

LIBRA September 24-October 23

W e like to have a strategy that leads us towards success. And, we want to have a plan that we can fall back on as insurance. That’s why we spend so much time thinking about things before setting off on a plan of action. Yet when we think too hard, and look at all the angles, it can cause confusion. You know this scenario well; you’re extremely good at seeing all sides of a story. This week, the cosmic climate encourages you to use your ability to adapt. It will enable you to take great strides forwards.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: Break away from someone’s old perception­s of you. Communicat­e your most fundamenta­l values. Listen to your heart.

SAGITTARIU­S November 23-December 21

Before I explain the details of what’s happening in the sky, I thought I’d find out how much detail you require. Do you want to know all the intricacie­s? Do you need facts and figures, or are you happy to put your trust in a more general explanatio­n? Right… you just need to understand why something you’re trying to achieve still remains elusive. In that case, you just need to know that under this week’s encouragin­g cosmic climate, determinat­ion, and trust will turn things around in your favour. IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: Do you sometimes pretend nothing can touch you? If you want the love you merit, you’ll have to admit you want it!

VIRGO August 24-September 23

I s there anything wrong with being happy? As far as I’m aware, there’s no law against it. It’s not taxable. Nor does laughter (which is often a by-product) cause damage to the ozone layer or contribute to global warming. Sadness, on the other hand, often produces tears as a side effect – which don’t help rising sea levels. Seriously! This week’s cosmic message couldn’t be clearer. It’s time to treat yourself to people and things that make you feel good. Give yourself the favour you deserve!

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: Is this you? ‘I’m trying hard not to give away my feelings, but this is what they are.’ Open up – and claim your reward.

SCORPIO October 24-November 22

A lthough there are an infinite number of excuses, few of them count for very much. No matter how successful we are, we all have a sense that we could be doing better. We’re also aware of the fact that we can’t undo things that have already been done; or go back in time and do things that we didn’t manage to do. Yet, it’s never too late to put something right. This week, under a powerful cosmic climate, you have an opportunit­y to make peace with something from your past. Healing is possible.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: Jupiter and Neptune can remind you that you should live for the moment. There’s a gift coming for your emotional life.

CAPRICORN December 22-January 20

F orthright, intrepid, courageous, bold, resolute and determined. That’s you in a nutshell. Well… it’s certainly what you’d like other people to think about you. Actually, it’s a pretty fair assessment of your characteri­stics. I’m sure you don’t want me to burst any bubbles and tell you that these qualities are on limited supply this week. So I won’t! You don’t need to worry! You’re being blessed with cosmic assistance that will enhance your gifts. If you’re facing a challenge, you can easily rise to it.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: Sweet or sour? Separately, extreme; together, ideal. Venus conjuncts your ruler; let your heart savour different tastes.

AQUARIUS January 21-February 19

I f you’re feeling as if you’re being stretched as far as it’s possible to be stretched, then you’re in a fortunate position. You’re being given a very timely reminder that something in your life needs to give. You’re being shown that things can’t continue in the same way. Your priorities need to change. This week, the powerful planetary forces enable you to renegotiat­e a promise and reschedule a commitment. You’re about to discover that the future has a delightful and different plan in store.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: Is someone holding and restrictin­g you. Don’t fly off in your own direction; negotiate a softer approach.

PISCES February 20-March 20

T his is going to be a week to remember! As Jupiter, your traditiona­l ruler, links with Neptune, your modern ruler; and the Sun enters your sign. So the cosmos is blessing you not only with the creativity and insight you’ve been waiting for, but with the energy to take positive action. Even though you have a difficult issue to deal with, you won’t need to focus on it to the exclusion of everything else. Look out for a bright new, hopeful vision of your future; because you can set out to achieve it.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: As Jupiter and Neptune edge into a supportive alliance, here comes an opportunit­y for a more meaningful future!

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