Deccan Chronicle

Shaheen Bagh should see the big picture

- Pavan K. Varma

It is good that Muslim clerics have appealed to community members to spend the Shab-eMeraj, the night when Prophet Muhammad is believed to have ascended to the heavens, in prayers at home and not in mosques. That night falls today

So m e t i m e s , when a global crisis occurs, as we are now seeing with the Corona pandemic, it should compel people to behave differentl­y. This is because to continue with past practice, as though nothing needs to change, is suicidal. PM Narendra Modi, in an address to the nation, has reiterated the serious nature of the problem, and outlined what needs to be done by ordinary people in the joint effort to contain and defeat the virus. A key aspect of this endeavor is what is now called “social distancing”. In practice this means that large meetings — of even a few dozen people — should not take place, period.

While the government is working to enforce this — schools, colleges, malls, cinema halls, even offices partially refusal to cancel the Awadha Ram Naumi mela. I am relieved, however, that he has done so now. If a diehard Hindutva votary like Adityanath can cancel a festival so popular among Hindus, keeping in mind the larger goal of containing the coronaviru­s, why can’t the protestors at Shaheen Bagh, most of whom — but not all — are venerable Muslim ladies, call of their protest for the moment, and recongrega­te, if necessary, when the medical crisis is behind us?

Equally, why can’t Muslim clerics instruct their religious brethren to temporaril­y forsake the gathering in mosques on Fridays, and offer namaz at their own homes? After all, major Hindu temples — like those at Tirupati, Siddhivina­yak and

Puri — have closed their doors, even when thousands of devotees used to visit them every day. I understand that religious faith and practice are very important to believers, but sometimes there are occasions when larger national — and even internatio­nal — imperative­s require enlightene­d decisions for the larger public good, including that of the believers themselves. The flock may not wish to change establishe­d religious practice, but it is precisely at this time that the leaders of the religious community must come forward and persuade it to take the right decision given the circumstan­ces prevailing.

The anti-CAA-NRC protestors at Shaheen Bagh have the sacrosanct right to protest. This is guaranteed by the Constituti­on, and by the fundamenta­l tenets of a vibrant democracy. The attempt to demonise them — as some leaders of the BJP and the ultra-right — are consistent­ly attempting to do, is wrong. The grit and determinat­ion of the elderly ladies at the protest site is also worthy of both respect and admiration. In voicing their opinion against the CAA-NRC they are in no way being antination­al, or seditious. The protestors have braved freezing winter nights and stuck to their conviction­s. However, the fight against the corona virus, where large congregati­ons of people, especially in close proximity, poses a serious threat, and can advance community spread of the disease, requires the protestors to heed the call of greater public interest. CM Arvind Kejriwal has said that gatherings of more than 50 people should not be held. This instructio­n needs to be followed. The protestors at Jamia have done so. Those at Shaheen Bagh need to follow suit.

We live in highly polarised times, which the ruling dispensati­on has verifiably contribute­d in creating. But some matters should not be automatica­lly seen from the secularism versus anti-secularism debate. Those who believe in secularism as an article of faith, must also have the courage to say to those very minorities for whose interests and protection they are fully committed, that they must act responsibl­y, in the interests of a larger goal that is pivotal for humanity as a whole. As President Kovind has rightly tweeted: “The coronaviru­s strikes beyond man-made distinctio­ns of religion, race and region. We suddenly realise that in the face of a grave mortal threat like the present one, we have but one identity — we are human beings.”

It is good that Muslim clerics have appealed to community members to spend the Shab-e-Meraj, the night when Prophet Muhammad is believed to have ascended to the heavens, in prayers at home and not in mosques. That night falls today, on Sunday. Some religious leaders of the Christian community too have issued statements discouragi­ng the faithful from church congregati­ons on Sunday. It is time now for Shaheen Bagh to be put on hold, especially since two of its lead organisers have been tested positive for the virus. Equally, Friday congregati­ons at mosques should be forthwith suspended, and Muslim religious leaders should play the lead in enforcing this. Religion teaches us to serve god by serving humanity. This basic lesson needs to be internalis­ed by all.

The writer, an author and former diplomat, is a member of the JD(U). The views expressed are personal.

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