Deccan Chronicle

CA may propose reserve day


Sydney, March 21: Cricket Australia (CA) may propose the introducti­on of reserve days for the semifinals of the Men’s T20 World Cup in the ICC Cricket Committee meeting later this year.

Earlier this month, the ICC had faced a lot of flak for not keeping a reserve day for the knockout stages of the Women’s T20 World Cup in Australia. As a result, England were forced to make an exit after their semifinal clash was washed out resulting in India, the higher ranked side in the group stage, progressin­g to the final.

As the ICC’s current playing conditions stand, the men’s T20 World Cup slated to begin here from October 18 will have no reserve days available before the final at the Melbourne Cricket Ground on November 15.

But, an ICC spokespers­on said, according to a report in, that playing conditions for the Men’s T20 World Cup will be discussed in the organisati­on’s Cricket Committee, which is scheduled to meet in the middle of this year, before they are formally signed by the

Chief Executives Committee (CEC).

Should any of ICC’s member boards wish to suggest changes to playing conditions, they will have opportunit­y to do so at the CEC gathering, although it’s rare for standard playing conditions to be revised at that stage, the ICC spokespers­on said, according to the report.

CA Chief Executive Kevin Roberts, who will be part of that CEC meeting, said a case existed for the inclusion of reserve days in the men’s T20 Cup.

“There’s always cause for reflection at the end of any tournament, in terms of how you approach future tournament­s,” Roberts said.

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 ??  ?? ICC faced a lot of flak for not keeping a reserve day for the knockout stages of the Women’s T20 World Cup in Australia. As a result, England were forced to make an exit after their semifinal clash against India was washed out.
ICC faced a lot of flak for not keeping a reserve day for the knockout stages of the Women’s T20 World Cup in Australia. As a result, England were forced to make an exit after their semifinal clash against India was washed out.

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