Deccan Chronicle


Biggest challenge is to stop spread of virus, says Etala


Health minister Etala Rajendar said the number of Covid positive cases in the State will ease in the next few days

Soon after the Coronaviru­s scare turned into a pandemic, hitting all nations across the world, and in India, every state, including Telangana, the job of a health minister has become one of the most excruciati­ng.

Though criticised for several failings in the past, including a poor record during the last year’s dengue crisis caused by a prolonged monsoon, and early on in the fight against Coronaviru­s for underestim­ating the threat, dismissing it as a cold country viral fever that paracetamo­l can combat, Etala Rajendar, health minister of Telangana, has been doing an exceptiona­l job in aiding Chief Minister K Chandrashe­kar Rao and municipal administra­tion minister K.T. Rama Rao in ensuring the state wins the battle against Covid19.

Cometh the moment, arises the leader, might well be the title in his profile. In an exclusive interview with Balu Pulipaka of Deccan Chronicle, Etala Rajendar said that Telangana’s efforts in fighting the virus would not have been possible but for the dedication of doctors, nurses, other healthcare workers, police and officials from various other department­s.



At this stage of Covid-19 spread in the state, what is the biggest challenge we face?

A: The biggest challenge is to stop the disease from spreading. If it spreads as in USA or Italy, we will not be able to tackle it. Our healthcare facilities are no match to those in the developed nations. Our best bet is to stop it from spreading. Sensitizin­g people to follow government advice on lockdown and social distancing is a challenge. Punishment does not deliver results in such a situation and people must cooperate.


Has the nationwide lockdown been effective?

A: Real problem appears to be in some urban areas, particular­ly in Hyderabad, where people do not appear to understand that we are fighting an invisible enemy that can strike anyone, anywhere. This despite people watching what has happened in China, and other countries over the past three months. We keep educating people. Only when there is no other option, will the choice of punishing reckless people comes into play.


How are you keeping medical staff going under such tough circumstan­ces?

A: Medical staff are making great sacrifices. They are the ones who have ensured that we do not end up praying for a miracle, and instead have hope of winning this war. It is their commitment to serving people that we are all relying upon. Chief Minister K. Chandrashe­kar Rao, a great leader with vision, has motivated doctors and health staff to perform effectivel­y, making it possible for us to control the spread of Covid.


What is our Covid19 testing capacity? Is it adequate?

A: We now test 700 to 800 samples a day at six different facilities. We ordered equipment to double this capacity. For every single we order, once we receive it, we will be able to add another

4,500 tests a day. We have identified about 100 clusters of the disease in the state and have enforced a very strict lockdown in those areas.

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