Deccan Chronicle

Trump rallies in 2 virus hotspots

Has to regroup after tepid Tulsa turnout


Washington, June 23: Regrouping after a humbling weekend rally, President Donald Trump faces another test of his ability to draw a crowd during a pandemic Tuesday as he visits Arizona and tries to remind voters of one of his key 2016 campaign promises. Trump’s weekend rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, was meant to be a sign of the nation’s reopening and a show of political force but instead generated thousands of empty seats and swirling questions about the president’s campaign leadership and his case for another four years in office.

The low turnout has sharpened the focus on Trump’s visit to Arizona, which doubles as both a 2020 battlegrou­nd state and a surging Covid-19 hot spot.

First, the president will travel to Yuma to mark the constructi­on of more than 200 miles of wall along the US-Mexico border, an issue that he built his campaign on four years ago. Later, he’ll address a group of young Republican­s at a Phoenix megachurch, where event organisers have pledged thousands will attend. Throughout the trip, the Covid-19 pandemic will shadow Trump.

The Democratic mayor of Phoenix made clear that she does not believe the speech can be safely held in her city — and urged the president to wear a mask. “Everyone attending tomorrow’s event, particular­ly any elected official, should set an example to residents by wearing a mask,” said Mayor Kate Gallego. “This includes the President.”

Trump has refused to wear a mask in public, instead turning it into a red-vs.-blue cultural issue. Polling suggests that Republican­s

are far less likely to wear a face covering than Democrats despite health experts’ warnings that it dramatical­ly reduces the risk of transmitti­ng the virus.

The “Students for Trump” event will be held at the Dream City Church and broadcast to groups across the nation. “Students for Trump” is a special project of Turning Point Action, a grouped chaired by Trump ally Charlie Kirk, which is hosting the president for his address.

Organisers said health and safety measures still were being finalised and it was unclear if attendees would be asked to wear masks or keep distance.

Since late May, Arizona has emerged as one of the nation’s most active hot spots for the spread of

Covid-19. Use of hospitals, intensive care units and ventilator­s has set records over the week. Photos of restaurant­s and bars crowded with unmasked patrons ignited controvers­y. Republican Gov. Doug Ducey, a Trump supporter, reversed himself last week and allowed cities and counties to require people to wear masks.

Most have, including Phoenix and Yuma and the counties that surround them. Arizona is seeing disturbing trends, including the percentage of virus tests that prove positive.

The state’s positive test rate is at a seven-day average of 20.4%, well above the national average of

8.4% and the 10% level that public health officials say is a problem. Campaign officials are still assessing the fallout from low turnout in Tulsa amid concern about the virus.

Campaign officials stressed that rallies would remain a staple of the president’s re-election strategy but allowed that they may, in certain states, need to change slightly. Discussion­s were under way about having them in more modest venues or outdoors, perhaps in airplane hangers and amphitheat­ers, or in smaller cities away from likely protesters.

But officials believe that Trump’s ability to draw thousands of supporters out during a pandemic sets up a favourable contrastin­g image with Democratic rival Joe Biden.

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