Deccan Chronicle

Kerala mantri’s tweet triggers controvers­y


Kerala finance minister Dr Thomas Isaac’s tweet ‘Thiruvonam day’ on Monday describing Vamana as a “cheat” has angered the BJP and hindutva organisati­ons in the state.

The minister’s controvers­ial tweet, greeting the people of Kerala, said; “Happy Onam! We celebrate Mahabali who did not discrimina­te by caste or creed, not Vamana who cheated him.” In his tweet Isaac also referred to Kerala announcing the floor price of 14 types of vegetables to suggest that people had something to celebrate this festival season.

However, Isaac’s tweet didn’t go down well with the BJP which accused him of insulting Vamana who is one of the reincarnat­ions of Lord Vishnu. BJP state president K. Surendran demanded an apology from Isaac for what he called hurting the sentiments of Lord Vishnu’s devotees.

With the minister’s tweet attracting criticism from the BJP and a section of people on social media, Isaac came out with a clarificat­ion. “To all those who have been upset about my Onam tweet: Accept that there can be many narratives. I was referring to the one by Sahodaran Aiyyapan, an ardent disciple of Sree Narayana Guru. If you are not convinced, read his Onapatu, the most popular Onam song of Kerala.”

Legend has it that Mahabali a generous king once ruled Kerala. He was sent to the nether world by Vamana. It is said that the Gods were threatened by the popularity of the charismati­c Mahabali and the prosperity of his kingdom. They felt jealous because the benevolent king belonged to the Asura clan. Vamana was sent to end Mahabali’s reign in Kerala.

Onam is celebrated by Malayalees cutting across caste, religion and all other difference­s to welcome Mahabali who returns to his praja during the annual festival.

Interestin­gly, this is not the first time that Kerala witnessed a controvers­y over a narrative associated with Onam.

In 2016, the then BJP national president Amit Shah wished everyone a “happy vamana jayanthi” with the image of Mahabali under Vamana’s feet.

Many felt that it was a deliberate attempt to change the narrative and redesign Onam as a festival of Brahmanica­l victory over “lower” caste groups.

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