Deccan Chronicle

EV start-up launches e-bike Atum at 50,000



Atumobile, a Hyderabadb­ased electric vehicles start-up, has launched Atum 1.0, a new generation electric bike priced at Rs. 50,000 at Hyderabad showroom.

The cost-effective caféracer styled electric bike with a top speed of 25 km will be made available across India through Atumobile’s online portal within a week.

Vamsi Gaddam, founder director at Atumobile told Financial Chronicle that the company was also testing two more e-bike models with a top speed of

80 km and 100 km which would be launched over the next 12 months.

Powered by a portable lithium-ion battery pack, that charges in 4 hours, Atum 1.0 offers a range of

100 kmph in a single charge.

The electric bike comes with a two-year battery warranty and is claimed to be developed using indigenous parts.

“After three years of hard work and a vision to introduce a sustainabl­e way to commute, we have launched Atum 1.0,” Gaddam said, adding that the factory at Telangana has an annual capacity to produce 15,000 bikes, and scale it up to 1,00,000 electric bikes depending on market demand.

He claimed that the cost effective Atum 1.0 bike consumes around 1 unit per charge, which translates to Rs 7-10 per day (for

100 km) as compared to the traditiona­l ICE bikes, which cost almost Rs 80

100 a day for 100km.


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