Deccan Chronicle

India to China: Peace linked to ties

Military stand-off may be resolved only after Modi, Xi meeting at Moscow SCO summit


The crucial bilateral meeting on Thursday evening between external affairs minister S. Jaishankar and his Chinese counterpar­t Wang Yi — the first faceto-face meeting between the two after the deadly Galwan clash between Indian and Chinese troops in mid-June — lasted a few hours and ended close to 11 pm IST but there was no official word on the outcome immediatel­y.

It was expected that Jaishankar would have told his Chinese counterpar­t that peace on the borders was closely linked to developmen­t of bilateral ties between the two Asian giants and that China must de-escalate by disengagin­g its troops to restore the April status quo in the Ladakh sector.

Jaishankar was also expected to have emphasised to his Chinese counterpar­t that India wanted peaceful resolution of the border dispute but was prepared to defend its territory against aggression. India has been emphasisin­g that there should be no unilateral altering of the Line of Actual Control (LAC).

The meeting took place on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperatio­n Organisati­on (SCO) foreign ministers meeting in Moscow. This is the second high level meeting between the two countries after defence minister Rajnath Singh met his Chinese counterpar­t Gen. Wei Fenghe on September 5.

Significan­tly, earlier in the day, the Indian and Chinese foreign ministers met at a lun

cheon meeting together with Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov as part of Russia-IndiaChina (RIC) trilateral cooperatio­n in which views were exchanged.

The trilateral luncheon meeting highlighte­d how the Russians are trying their best to nudge the two Asian giants towards a compromise in order to avoid a devastatin­g war in the Ladakh sector. All three ministers were photograph­ed standing next to each other and smiling, with the Russian foreign minister holding centrestag­e as the host, a symbolism that was not lost.

Some observers feel a resolution may begin if at all only after a meeting between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping that could take place in Moscow on the sidelines of a SCO Summit next month.

 ?? —PTI ?? Air display of the first batch of IAF’s Rafale aircraft in an arrow formation followed by Jaguar and SU-30 aircraft during the former’s induction ceremony, in Ambala on Thursday.
—PTI Air display of the first batch of IAF’s Rafale aircraft in an arrow formation followed by Jaguar and SU-30 aircraft during the former’s induction ceremony, in Ambala on Thursday.

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