Deccan Chronicle

Sops to be extended for Covid-19 warriors

BJP demands permanant jobs for paramedica­l staff


Health minister Etela Rajender on Thursday assured members of Legislativ­e Council that the state government will consider the demand to extend by a few more months the incentive scheme for frontline warriors dealing with Covid-19.

Replying to a short discussion on Covid in the council, the minister said, “We will consider the extension of incentive scheme by a few more months.” Lauding the services of frontline warriors, he said, “I take this opportunit­y to bow my head and thank all of them who have worked day and night to serve Coronaviru­s victims without caring about their personal safety.”

It may be recalled that in April, the state government had declared 10 per cent incentive over and above their salaries to sanitation workers in municipali­ties, panchayats and GHMC, considerin­g their services during the pandemic. The incentive was extended to a few more categories of frontline warriors subsequent­ly.

Earlier, participat­ing in the discussion, Congress MLC Jeevan Reddy wanted the government to extend the incentives as the pandemic had not yet been controlled.

BJP MLC N. Ramchander Rao demanded that the government appoint doctors and paramedica­l staff on a permanent basis, as many are reluctant to join Covid-specific duties that are temporary.

In his reply, the minister refuted allegation­s by Opposition members over the government limiting Covid-specific treatment to Gandhi Hospital in the state capital. He said, “81 per cent of infected persons are asymptomat­ic, making it very difficult even for medical staff to recognise such cases.”

Rajendar told the House that the government was ready to permit establishm­ent of more private isolation centres, as it is very difficult for a Covid-infected person of a joint family to be in total isolation at small houses in rural or urban areas. He said,

“As of now, there are 121 private centres offering isolation facilities for those who do not have sufficient space in their homes for isolation. The government is offering to such centres at `200 per day per head in rural and `270 per day per head in urban areas.”

The minister urged people to face the Coronaviru­s with courage, as there is no single treatment methodolog­y or vaccine available for treating the infection effectivel­y.

Council chairman Gutha Sukender Reddy suggested that a task force be appointed by Chief Minister K. Chandrashe­kar Rao to regulate treatment of Covid-19 at corporate hospitals. A toll-free number must also be provided, so that people can register their complaints in this regard, he said.

RAJENDAR TOLD the House that the government was ready to permit establishm­ent of more private isolation centres, as it is very difficult for a Covid-infected person of a joint family to be in total isolation at small houses in rural or urban areas.

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