Deccan Chronicle

Chariot fire: Jagan to hand over case to CBI


Chief Minister Y. S. Jagan Mohan Reddy has decided to hand over the investigat­ion into the blaze that destroyed the chariot of the Antarvedi Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy temple to the CBI, in keeping with the policy of transparen­cy in governance.

The Chief Minister has instructed the DGP to hand over the case to the premier investigat­ion agency. The DGP’s office has written a letter to this effect to the Union home ministry. Officials informed that a GO to this effect will shortly be issued on the matter.

Opposition parties and Telugu Desam chief N. Chandrabab­u Naidu had been demanding a CBI probe.

The Chief Minister has taken the matter of the fire seriously and while the state police have been trying their best, there was criticism from political and other groups casting aspersions on the government. No one would be spared and stringent action would be taken against those involved, irrespecti­ve of their position, was the government stand.

Meanwhile, YSRC MLA and party spokespers­on Ambati Rambabu stated that there is no negligence of the government in the Antarvedi incident as the government had initiated swift measures. He said that earlier Naidu had no confidence in the CBI and had banned the agency during his tenure but now he is distrustin­g the state police and had started believing the CBI which shows his political opportunis­m.

THE CHIEF MINISTER has taken the matter of the fire seriously and while the state police have been trying their best, there was criticism from political and other groups casting aspersions on the government.

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