Deccan Chronicle

Army on alert along LoC after ISI uses drones


Srinagar, Sept. 10: A quadcopter used by Pakistani spy agency ISI in Jammu and Kashmir has necessitat­ed alert along the Line of Control (LoC) in the Valley as the Army believes it could be used for dropping weapons for terrorists.

General-Officer-inCommand of strategica­lly located XV Corps in Kashmir Lt Gen B.S. Raju said after an incident “across Peer Panjal”, a reference to Jammu region in army parlance, “we have alerted all formations to keep a check on any flying object seen along the LoC”. He said the terrorists holed up in the Kashmir valley have been facing acute shortage of arms and ammunition and they are desperatel­y looking for some help from across the border for the same.

In June, BSF had shot down a Pakistani drone, loaded with a sophistica­ted rifle and seven grenades, along the Internatio­nal Border in Kathua district of Jammu region.

The Chinese-made drone weighed about 17.5 kgs and had a payload of 5.5 kg including a sophistica­ted US-made M4 semi-automatic carbine and seven Chinese grenades. Four batteries, a radio signal receiver and two Global Positionin­g Systems were also recovered.

This, according to Gen Raju, is a “new dimension” in decades of Pakistan-sponsored terrorism.

“Instructio­ns have been passed on to the forward formations to keep an eye on any flying object coming from across the border (LoC) and hit it hard to bring it down,” he said. As small drones are tough to detect, an extra vigil using all high-tech gadgets along with human scrutiny is being maintained. A strict watch is also being maintained for movement of civilians along the LoC as terrorists may disguise themselves as nomads or shepherds to pick up an arms consignmen­t.

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