Deccan Chronicle

Kangana Ranaut episode over for Sena, says Raut


A day after the Brihanmumb­ai Municipal Corporatio­n (BMC) demolished illegal constructi­ons at Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut’s office, Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut on Thursday said that the issue was over for his party.

However, the actress has continued her vitriolic against Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray calling him an example of nepotism and accused him of turning Shiv Sena into ‘Sonia Sena.’

“The Kangana Ranaut episode is over. We have even forgotten it. We are now busy with our government and social work,” Raut said after meeting the Chief Minister at his residence Matoshree.

Raut also denied his party has a role in the demolition carried out by the Brihanmumb­ai Municipal Corporatio­n in Kangana’s office at Pali Hill in Bandra.

“The action at Kangana Ranaut’s office is done by the BMC. It has no connection with Shiv Sena. You can talk to the Mayor or the BMC Commission­er on it,” he said.

The Shiv Sena-ruled BMC had razed illegal alteration­s at Kangana’s office on Wednesday. However, the Bombay High Court later ordered a stay on it.

Meanwhile, Kangana has continued with her outburst against the Chief Minister calling him prime example of nepotism and accusing him of misusing the power. Just like Wednesday, she posted a series of tweets too on Thursday targeting Thackeray.

Terming the MVA government in Maharashtr­a as a ‘milavat Sarkar,’ she accused Uddhav of compromisi­ng on its identity. “The ideology on which Shri Balasaheb

Thackeray built Shiv Sena, today they have sold the ideology for power, becoming Sonia Sena from Shiv Sena. The goons who broke my house behind my back, do not call them a civic body. Don’t insult the constituti­on.”

“Your father’s good deeds can give you wealth, but you have to earn respect, you will shut my mouth, but my voice will echo in a hundred millions after me, how many mouths will you shut? How many voices will you suppress? Till when you will run away from the truth, you are nothing but an example of dynasty,” she said in another tweet.

Referring to Shiv Sena’s alliance with the Congress, Kangana said Uddhav has turned it into a “Sonia Sena”.

The actress had found herself in controvers­y after criticisin­g the Mumbai police and comparing Mumbai with Pakistan- occupied- Kashmir (PoK). It had evoked a sharp response from Raut who asked her not to visit Mumbai.

THE ACTRESS has continued her vitriolic against Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray calling him an example of nepotism and accused him of turning Shiv Sena into ‘Sonia Sena.’

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