Deccan Chronicle

Oil slick: Tanker salvage begins


Colombo, Sept. 10: Internatio­nal experts boarded an oil tanker stricken off Sri Lanka to begin salvage operations, the navy said Thursday, as firefighte­rs looked to contain a large oil slick in the Indian Ocean. A huge week-long blaze aboard the New Diamond was finally extinguish­ed Wednesday and though 270,000 tonnes of crude oil were unaffected officials said, diesel fuel had leaked into the water, creating a significan­t and expanding slick.

“The firefighti­ng is over,” said navy spokesman Captain Indika de Silva. “We are taking a step back and now it is up to the owners to decide how they want to take it from here.” Officials said the fuel slick had reached 2 kilometres (1.2 miles) in length after doubling in size overnight, as the tanker drifted around 20 kilometres north of its Wednesday location.

The tanker is tied to a tug and keeping a distance of just under 100 kilometres from Sri Lanka’s shoreline. On Wednesday, the Indian Coast Guard (ICG) said it was deploying an aircraft to spray chemicals and minimise the impact of the fuel that leaked from the tanker.

The salvage experts who boarded the vessel reported that toxic gases had filled the stern section of the ship and that they will be removed using air blowers, Sri Lanka’s navy said. A powerful tug boat commission­ed by the Dutch salvage company SMIT arrived from Singapore on Thursday to boost their efforts, it added.

The tug has specialise­d equipment to drain the sea water — used to flood the engine room during the firefight — and remove the gases. It was not immediatel­y clear what the salvage company would do with the Panamanian-registered tanker, but Sri Lankan authoritie­s have asked them to tow it away from the island’s waters.

The New Diamond issued a distress signal a week ago while passing Sri Lanka on its way to the northeast Indian port of Paradip when a boiler exploded killing a Filipino crewman. The remaining 22 crew were rescued.

OFFICIALS SAID the fuel slick had reached 2 kilometres (1.2 miles) in length after doubling in size overnight, as the tanker drifted around 20 kilometres north of its Wednesday location.

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