Deccan Chronicle

Sustainabi­lity champs

The two talented sisters, Noor and Neimat Sethi, bring together their expertise in design, food and hospitalit­y to create a posh hub for sustainabi­lity-loving millennial­s


In a world full of rules, dare to be an exception. This seems to be the life mantra for sisters Noor and Neimat Sethi, co-founders of the exquisite Artisan Lab in Delhi’s Greater Kailash. Through their store, the sisters decided to bring together their expertise in design, food and hospitalit­y to create a posh hub for millennial­s.

Noor, the creative director of the brand, which was establishe­d in 2018, is a graduate of Parsons School of Design in New York, while her sister Neimat is a graduate of the Glion Institute in Switzerlan­d. After completing their formal education, the Sethi sisters conceptual­ised the boutique-like Artisan Lab, which houses décor accents, objects, accent furniture, art, lighting, tableware, lifestyle accessorie­s and clothing.

The idea was to create an experienti­al retail space, where a person could shop, eat and/or unwind.

Keeping with the theme, on the second level of the Artisan Lab is the Artisan Lab Café, which is the brainchild of Neimat, a profession­al chef and food consultant.

Neimat creates a global, seasonal and sustainabl­e cafe menu, by leaning into her culinary experience­s from the kitchens of The Ritz Carlton in Dubai, Junoon in New York and Calabria in Italy.


With both their respective experience­s, the Sethi sisters knew that Artisan Lab had to be the perfect synergy of food and retail, and they would not have had it any other way. “Artisan Lab is a globally inspired part concept store and part cabinet of curiositie­s created with a reverentia­l commitment to craftsmans­hip. The café on the second level is a seamless extension of the retail space, where you can enjoy a cup of coffee, read a book and indulge in some retail therapy while listening to soothing jazz and blues tunes,” they tell us. “You’ll find here the fine works of craftspeop­le as well as home-grown creatives, all under one roof.”


As you enter the store, the space invites you to slow down and enjoy the modern series of interlinke­d floors and rooms. Every architectu­ral element in the store stands out as a prominent feature, inspired by geometric designs across doorway arches, bold display fixtures and glass-bricked walls that fluidly diffuse the light on the handcrafte­d foliage artwork placed around aesthetica­lly. Noor explains that while researchin­g the Indian market, she felt there was a gap in locally produced creations with a contempora­ry aesthetic. “Surrounded by the extraordin­ary craft skills of

Indian artisans, I wanted to bring together products that combined modernday aesthetic and functional­ity with traditiona­l craftsmans­hip,” she adds. So also, the pieces in the store are all made in India, lending a personal feel to the retail. “Here, you will also find ethereal products such as plant ecosystems — living, breathing works of art and wonderfull­y thoughtful, lasting alternativ­es to flower bouquets,” informs Noor, talking to us about the crystal-infused candles in the store, which channel positivity and come in nine soothing inhouse fragrances, as also about the customized monogrammi­ng option on lush, organic linens made with the finest flax.


The café

is a


sanctuary displaying a wholesome menu for its guests. It takes after chef Neimat’s ideologies of sustainabi­lity and offers simple, seasonal and sustainabl­e options to its guests, aimed at encouragin­g a healthy connection with nature.

Neimat, a follower of the ‘friends of the earth theory’, which promotes the sustainabl­e use of earth’s resources, explains to us that the menu in the café is seasonal and largely plant-based.

“Yet it features a carefully considered selection of meat, fish and dairy. We use only locally sourced ingredient­s, organic fruits and vegetables and homegrown herbs. Additional­ly, the milk we use is A2 grade, lactosefre­e. Plastics have no place on our planet, and this applies here too.

Because we believe that when you can go sustainabl­e, you should,” Neimat explains.


The food and hospitalit­y business has been one of the most severely affected sectors since the lockdown. The Sethi sisters seem to have gracefully taken that fact on their chin. “Corona has severely impacted the footfall, but that was expected. Our store and café are now open, and over the last few weeks, the markets have been picking up well. We’ve had our share of roadblocks, but we’ve also received so much love. And now, we look forward to reaching other locations and expanding our sustainabl­e product range,” says Neimat.

Sayeeda Abrar, who is a fitness consultant and personal trainer, shares a few exercises that can be used to warm up before a workout

Walking, biking, swimming, yoga and water aerobics are all good aerobic exercises for people with osteoarthr­itis. Water exercise is especially ideal because of water’s soothing warmth and buoyancy. It’s a gentle way to exercise joints and muscles — plus it acts as resistance to help build muscle strength.

It is very important for people with osteoporos­is to exercise — it strengthen­s the muscles around the joints, which helps take stress off the joints. Exercise also reduces joint stiffness.

As a general goal, aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity every day.

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 ??  ?? Artisan Lab is a globally inspired part concept store and part cabinet of curiositie­s created with a reverentia­l commitment to craftsmans­hip. The café on the second level is a seamless extension of the retail space, where you can enjoy a cup of coffee, read a book and indulge in some retail therapy while listening to soothing jazz and blues tunes.”
Noor & Neimat Sethi
Artisan Lab is a globally inspired part concept store and part cabinet of curiositie­s created with a reverentia­l commitment to craftsmans­hip. The café on the second level is a seamless extension of the retail space, where you can enjoy a cup of coffee, read a book and indulge in some retail therapy while listening to soothing jazz and blues tunes.” Noor & Neimat Sethi
 ??  ?? SISTER ACT: Noor and Neimat Sethi studied design (in NY) and hospitalit­y (in Switzerlan­d), respective­ly, and then returning home to start their own business
SISTER ACT: Noor and Neimat Sethi studied design (in NY) and hospitalit­y (in Switzerlan­d), respective­ly, and then returning home to start their own business
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