Deccan Chronicle

Your day today You share your b’day with

- By Dr C.V.B. Subrahmany­am

Aries: Business turnover is satisfying. A female colleague offers support. Focus on activities that bring gains. Separation in love would be hard.

Taurus: Expect good news from abroad. You’ll have enough finances to look after your family. Avoid hasty decisions around even new and alluring proposals.

Gemini: Today’s ideal for long-term academic/profession­al decisions. A minor spousal tiff might bother you. Physical stamina doesn’t always accompany brilliance.

Cancer: Your positive attitude impresses those around you. Today’s yet another day to avoid personalit­y considerat­ions in all profession­al matters.

Leo: Your dislike of some shouldn’t affect your opinions. Someone helps you fulfil a long-cherished dream. Your hard work may not be recognised well.

Virgo: Several financial problems resolve. Control your mood and temper throughout the day. Family relations deteriorat­e. Remain calm. You may meet important people.

Shriya Saran Bhatnagar is an Indian actress and model known for her work in Indian cinema. She is known for her roles in films like Ishtam, Sivaji,Awarapan,The OtherEndof­theLine, Manam.

Libra: Expect a long journey and good news from far. You’ll rid yourself of mental worries. Students do well in their preferered subject. Be cautious when speaking to avoid trouble.

Scorpio: Expect fluctuatio­ns in business. You’ll deal with some unpleasant­ness at work and feel you’re wasting time. You might yearn for love.

Sagittariu­s: Follow your fitness regimen to avoid problems. You’ll wait for positive response form the one you like. Positive happenings keep you content.

Capricorn: You won’t feel a financial pinch. You may move jobs. Meeting friends and get-togethers bring joy. Expect auspicious celebratio­ns at home or with relatives.

Aquarius: Avoid getting frustrated. People at work will follow your guidelines. You’ll overcome fear and official burdens. You may take bold steps soon.

Pisces: Expect recognitio­n through your hard work. Bank balance improves. Family unity brings joy.

Those awaiting auspicious events like marriage and child-birth find their desire.

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