Deccan Chronicle



The data from Rythu Bandhu scheme could be straightaw­ay uploaded on the Dharani portal.

Another 89.47 lakh properties in local bodies had been digitised. This data would go on to the portal. Data on the remaining land would be uploaded after completion of the survey.

The Chief Minister said the data of farmers having Recognitio­n of Forest Rights would be on the portal. Regarding Podu lands, he said that the government was considerin­g issuing rights to the farmers for one time and then prohibitin­g Podu cultivatio­n.

He asked the ministers for SC and ST welfare to hold meetings with Dalit MLAs of all parties and list recommenda­tions for protection of rights of Dalit farmers having assigned lands.

He rejected the request of CLP leader Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka for continuati­on of the ‘enjoyer’ column in the revenue records, saying it was incorporat­ed to protect tenant farmers from jagirdars and zamindars.

He said there were 87 revenue Acts in the state and the government had repealed only two. There is no scope for the Zama Bandi system now.

The tribunals which will replace the revenue courts will be headed by retired and inservice IAS officers. They will be abolished after resolving the 16,000-odd land disputes.

After the reply of the Chief Minister, the House passed the Bills which introduced by the Chief Minister, industries minister K.T. Rama Rao and panchayat raj minister Errabelli Dayakar Rao.

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