Deccan Chronicle

Confusion, fear after WHO doubts use of Covid drugs


There is confusion and panic following World Health Organizati­on’s randomized trial reports on high-end drugs like remdesivir, interferon â1a, lopinavir/ritonavir and hydroxychl­oroquine (HCQ) that they have no benefits to Covid-19 patients undergoing treatment in hospitals. Approximat­ely 937 Indians participat­ed from 26 sites. The findings are that Remdesivir has no tangible benefit for critical patients.

Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), which was an active partner in the trials, stated that HCQ’s have not worked in asymptomat­ic, mild and moderate cases.

These findings have led to a major confusion in the medical fraternity with doctors stating that the condition of critical patients had improved with Remdesivir. Stating that HCQ’s worked on mild patients, they sought a re-look into it.

Dr Ramana Prasad, senior pulmonolog­ist at KIMS Hospital, says, “The effect of HCQ drugs is debatable. Some studies in India are in favour of giving the drug to mild patients as it has reduced severity of the disease. Among healthcare personnel it has been found that it has helped prevent while the viral load has been less among the affected patients.”

With Covid-19 an inflammato­ry disease, anti-inflammato­ry drugs like steroids are working well if given within two weeks of being afflicted with the disease.

Dr Nishant Sinha, senior pulmonolog­ist at Continenta­l Hospitals, explained, “Patients have recovered after being administer­ed Remdesivir. Will that be taken into account or not?”

Doctors state that they will face challenges at the clinical level. Those who have seen their patients recover after administra­tion of high end drugs state that convincing families to use the drug will be difficult for them.

Those who have noted lessening of severe conditions after the use of flavipirav­ir and remdesivir are debating about the results of randomized trials.

Family members of patients, who died despite being given high-end drugs, are upset as they had to spend large amounts on medication.

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