Deccan Chronicle



The Congress Working Committee (CWC) will be meeting on Friday to take stock of the political situation prevailing in the country.

The meeting is also expected to draw up a schedule for the longpendin­g organisati­onal elections that could also pick a new party chief.

In the August meeting of the CWC, interim President Mrs. Sonia Gandhi had asked the CWC to relieve her of her duties and pick a new party chief.

The process of internal elections started in September with electoral roles of the party being revised.

Insiders say that an AICC session along with a ‘Chintan Shivir’ is expected to be called after the budget session of Parliament to look for a new President.

Several leaders have come out in the open and demanded that Mr. Rahul Gandhi once again take up the reins of the party.

Several leaders had a written a letter to Mrs. Sonia Gandhi in August last year demanding sweeping changes in the functionin­g of the party. They also pressed for internal elections for electing the President and CWC members.

Last month Mrs. Gandhi had met some of these letter writers in a bid assuage their feelings and to initiate the free flow of ideas. Back room parleys have also been held with these leaders. The party does not want any embarrassm­ent if a situation arises when elections are not being held.

The CWC is also expected to release a strongly worded resolution in favour of the farmers and against the farm laws. The issue of alleged Chinese incursions is also expected to be taken up. The issue of national security that came up post the purported chats of Arnab Goswami may find a mention.

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