Deccan Chronicle


- PHILLIP ALDER Copyright United Feature Syndicate(Asia Features)

Iwas hunting for a quotation including the word “fit” when I came upon one from Shannon L. Alder, so how could I not use it? The inspiratio­nal author wrote: “Being a good person doesn't mean you fit the life of every person you meet.”

That is so true, but if at the bridge table you have a good fit with your partner, tell him. Even better, try to reveal a double fit. In today’s deal, what do you think of the auction? What is the par contract, the one where if either pair bids higher, it will do worse?

The auction started predictabl­y, but I like a fourclub fit-jump with the North hand, showing long clubs and four or more spades. Yes, that makes it easy for East to bid four of a red suit, but it will allow South to judge better later in the auction.

After East competes with five diamonds, if South knows that North has clubs, bidding five spades will be clear-cut. The drawback, of course, is that if you advertise a double fit, the opponents will know that they have one also and will bid higher.

How did the play go in five spades?

West led the heart ace, under which East played the four as a suit-preference signal for clubs. This surprised West, but, trusting her partner, she shifted to a club. East ruffed and returned a diamond. West gave her partner a second club ruff for down two.

How does West do in diamonds? She makes all 13 tricks unless North leads a spade; then West takes 11 tricks.

The par contract clubs doubled, down one. is six going

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