Deccan Chronicle

Kirti’s support for domestic violence victims

Kirti speaks up on violence against women while championin­g a UN Women’s cause


The actress, who excelled in her performanc­e as a domestic-violence victim Criminal Justice: Behind Closed Doors, is now championin­g the cause of #BuildBackB­etterAndEq­ual, an initiative by UN Women.

While the versatile actor has never shied away from sharing her opinion on women empowermen­t, she was happy to lend her voice to the annual internatio­nal campaign dedicated to the eliminatio­n of violence against women and girls. The Pink actress remarked that talking about violence and abuse against women is pertinent and relevant given the rising cases of violence especially during the lockdown.

“Together, we are facing the largest social, economic and health crisis, known to humankind, in the form of COVID-19. But there are many who are suffering, perhaps much more than us, in silence,” Kirti Kulhari says. “Lockdown was enforced to ensure our safety. But many women are not safe in their own homes. Cases of domestic abuse and domestic violence have risen by an alarming percentage.”

Calling it a shadow pandemic, Kirti assures that we can all actively work towards putting an end to it. “It could be you, your neighbour, your friend, your help, your colleague or anyone else facing gender-based violence and is suffering in silence. It is happening to women around us, which is why this concerns you, me, all of us — One in three women in the world faces violence usually by their partner,” she adds. “Gender-based violence is a harsh reality and as a society, we must do our bit to make a difference. If you see anyone experienci­ng violence, lend your hand and your voice to the situation. It is time we stand with survivors and initiate a much-needed conversati­on. While we are actively working towards ending the COVID-19 pandemic, let’s also treat this as an opportunit­y to build back a better and equal world.”

“Gender-based violence is a harsh reality and as

a society, we must do our bit to make a difference. If you see anyone experienci­ng violence,

lend your hand and your voice to the situation. It is time we stand with survivors and initiate a much-needed conversati­on. — Kirti Kulhari

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