Deccan Chronicle

Centre mulls motion on Red Fort breach

- YOJNA GUSAI | DC with agency inputs

New Delhi, Jan. 28: The Narendra Modi government is likely to bring a motion condemning the Red Fort incident on the Republic Day, during the Budget Session of Parliament beginning from Friday. The government, sources said, wants Parliament to pass a resolution condemning the incident after “considerin­g the sense of the House.”

Narendra Modi government is likely to bring a motion condemning the Red Fort incident on the Republic Day, during the budget session of Parliament beginning from Friday.

The government, sources said, wants Parliament to pass a resolution condemning the incident after “considerin­g the sense of the House.”

For the government, which was otherwise bracing itself to face the Opposition’s onslaught over the farmer unions protests against the three laws, among other issues, tables seem to have turned as the incident caused a national uproar, with even the Opposition parties, who were supporting the farmer unions protests, condemning the incident.

The motion in all likelihood will be supported by all political parties, including Opposition parties, some of which had blamed the government for its failure to prevent the incident.

The ruling BJP, which had called the incident “an attack on the democracy,” had blamed the Congress, in particular its leader Rahul Gandhi and the Communists for instigatin­g farmer unions against the three laws.

An angry mob of protestors who were participat­ing in the “tractor parade” organised by farmer unions on January 26, flouted the routes as agreed between unions and the Delhi Police, and unfurled the Sikh religious flag at the rampart of the Red Fort where tricolour is hoisted, which attracted widespread condemnati­on.

Farmer unions have been agitating against the laws for more than a month at Delhi borders and some of the ruling party members had been claiming that Khalistani and anti-social elements had infiltrate­d the protest sites and provoking the agitating farmers.

Meanwhile, actorturne­d-activist Deep Sidhu, who has been accused by farm bodies of trying to defame their agitation and termed a “traitor”, has hit out at farm leaders for allegedly spreading false propaganda and hatred against him.

The 36-year-old Sidhu, who is in the eye of a storm for being among the protesters who put up a religious flag atop the Red Fort on Republic Day, claimed that youth did not agree to follow the route which was decided by farmer leaders and the Delhi Police.

He claimed people on their own marched towards the Red Fort from all the Delhi borders and that not many people took the route as decided by farmer leaders.

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