Deccan Chronicle




Begin in a standing position and move your feet up to 4 feet apart but parallel to each other. Turn your right foot open to the side, extend your arms open and bend your right knee into a lunge.

Bring your gaze to your right palm and continue breathing normally while in the pose.

Hold the posture for a minimum of 5–8 breaths.

Release and repeat on the left side.


This pose strengthen­s the legs, hips, inner thighs and groins. It engages the muscles in the pelvic floor, which in turn helps with

healthy labour.


Start in a standing position and spread your legs wide up to 4 feet. Turn your feet facing outward and bend your knees to check that your distance is wide enough for your knees to fall in line with your ankle. Make sure that your knees bend in the direction of your toes and not inward.

Bring your palms to form namaste. Inhale in position and exhale to sit in a wide-legged squat. Hold the position while breathing normally.

Hold the posture for 8–10 breaths.

Repeat twice more.



Place a bolster (or two pillows) vertically on your mat. Connect your hip to the bolster and slowly recline to the back. Allow your entire spine to be rested on the bolster while keeping the hips on the mat. Bend your legs to bring the feet joining together in Baddha Konasana. Place the palms on the belly or by the side. Close your eyes and rest.

Stay in this posture for as long as it feels good. When releasing, slowly turn to the side and come up with hand support.


This is a wonderful resting pose that helps release any kind of pain in the back and legs. The asana also helps you to cope with mood swings and gives a chance to connect with your baby. To have a smooth delivery, it’s important to make time for relaxation to alleviate feelings of anxiety.

Word of caution:

Choose to practice under the guidance of an expert. If you experience any

discomfort, stop the practice right away.

In case of any complicati­ons, please

consult your doctor.

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