Deccan Chronicle

Let all follow CBSE’s example


With the daily caseload of Covid-19 infections crossing two lakhs, an unpreceden­ted and alarming milestone as yet, on Thursday, the country needs to pull up its socks and fight the virus with all available tools. Precious time has already been lost in augmenting the healthcare system or streamlini­ng the inoculatio­n programme by ensuring adequate availabili­ty of vaccine. Any fresh move could take time. In the meanwhile, the government must take whatever steps it can, expeditiou­sly. One major step has been taken when the Central Board of Secondary Education put off the Class 12 examinatio­ns and scrapped the ones in Class 10. The government must now see to it that the other national and well as state boards follow suit and eliminate the chances of the pandemic spreading through examinatio­n halls.

The government must also target the other potential supersprea­der events such as religious, political and social gatherings. West Bengal has four more phases of the polling, and electionee­ring is in full swing with mammoth rallies. The government must check with the Election Commission how it may be possible to curtail electionee­ring. India has some religious festivals every season; the Kumbh Mela in which millions of devotes attend is under way. Healthcare experts have been demanding restrictio­ns on it but none has been imposed yet. The government must, in consultati­on with the state government in Uttarakhan­d and the organisers of the festival, explore the possibilit­y of cutting the duration of the festivitie­s short and impose stricter controls on the attendees. The Muslim community has entered into the annual fasting period, which normally ends with a community feast every day and with grand gatherings at the end of the month. The government must consult the community leaders and see how the events do not end up spreading the virus. The absence of a concerted, coordinate­d and result-oriented approach could land the nation in a larger mess than what it had found itself in when the virus came with the first wave.

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