Deccan Chronicle

Care in times of pandemic


Unlike others of her ilk, 22-year-old Manya Mitra is not worried about her own safety and well-being in times of pandemic. She, along with her sister and four other friends, is doing her best to provide food to the needy who are suffering from Covid-19, making her family members and neighbours proud.

A resident of Jubilee Hills, Manya, with her sister and four friends, started a free food delivery service for Covid-19 patients, specifical­ly catering to daily-wage workers and those who cannot afford meals.

Manya Mitra and her friends, who are also students and dropouts, ran the service called ‘free kitchen’ in 2020 during the first wave of pandemic but only in and around Jubilee Hills area. “We stopped the service when cases declined but looking at the current situation, we decided to get back and deliver food across Hyderabad,” Manya said. “My whole family was tested positive and my father is on a ventilator. Manya

Mitra’s group has been providing them with meals twice a day for the last eight to nine days,” said Anam, a student who stays with three others at a flat in Secunderab­ad. “The situation is very bad. We are unable to even get up from the bed, let alone prepare food. A common friend told me about Manya’s group and I opted for two meals a day. We have been getting healthy food delivered to us every day for more than a week now,” said Anam.

Speaking about how they make sure whether the person is one who cannot afford to cook or have access to food, Manya said they initially asked them to share the Covid positive details and then asked them about their occupation. “We first get requests from our Instagram account and WhatsApp and then we verify their details by asking their details. This is because last year, we had a few IT profession­als seeking help though they could afford it through other means. We want to cater to those who in dire need. My sister, friends and I together cook, pack and deliver parcels,” she said.

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