Deccan Chronicle


Mum’s the world!


With worries over the spread of the pandemic taking centre stage, this year’s Mother’s Day celebratio­ns may be quiet. But celebs are doing what they can to make it special for their moms.


We are living in unpreceden­ted times, and it is everyone’s responsibi­lity to follow health protocols. This Mother’s Day, we are just staying indoors and ensuring safety. In fact, during these difficult times, whenever I go outside, I ensure that I wear masks and take extreme care, as my mother keeps reminding me all the time. I give my mum a big hug at least thrice a day, and that warmth keeps her calm and reassured.

I shall make sure she is happy forever. Recently, we celebrated my mother’s 50th birthday, and it was a very special and emotional moment for all of us. She keeps the entire family as a cohesive unit.



W hat mothers don’t need is to be overburden­ed with a lot of stress. Already, mums are stressed out by what’s happening around us. The situation is very scary. So the best way to help them stay positive is to assist them in doing the chores. My elder kid is longing to go to school and meet her friends. So, it is difficult for them too; but I am trying to make them understand. I tell everyone to meditate and workout for a few minutes, because, when you look at yourself, you should feel good. It radiates positivity and keeps you going



W ith COVID-19 affecting people of all age groups, I am more worried about my mom than she is worried about me. More so because my mother is a doctor, a gynaecolog­ist, and she’s been working even in these tough times. But I think it is important that as a family we give her strength and help her stay composed. She follows all health protocols. But when it comes to me, she prevents me from ordering food from outside. She makes sure I stay indoors and eat home-cooked food. Her biggest stress buster is the two of us spending quality time together at home. It rejuvenate­s her. Also, as a family, we make sure that we spend quality time together, so that we all stay refreshed. We call it our ‘me time’.



W e can’t do enough to repay the woman who has sacrificed everything for us. My mom is my go-to woman at all times. Her constant prayers for my sister’s and my well-being will always help us excel and lead a quality life. In times like these, when we are witnessing terrible scenes, the best gift we can give our mothers is to stay safe and healthy.



N othing is more important for a mother than her children’s safety. And especially during this pandemic, I think no mum wants her children to risk getting COVID-19. I am a Mumma’s boy! This Mother’s Day, I will try and comfort her as much as I can by staying indoors and making sure that I do everything that keeps her happy. For the kind of sacrifices mothers make, we are indebted to them throughout life.


BEING THERE FOR MOM B eing there for them is what mothers need, and that’s the best thing we can do for them, especially with COVID19 affecting the elders. I think we as children need to rally around our mothers at this difficult time, in return for all the sacrifices they have made for us. In fact, I will also ask my father to be there for her. Although I don’t live with my mother, I constantly keep a tab on her health. With Chennai under complete lockdown, I will make sure she has everything she needs. It’s a blessing that I don’t give in to panic, and my mother too is not feeling burdened by these tough times.

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