Deccan Chronicle

Sumona posts a personal note

The comedienne is battling Endometrio­sis since 2011


The Kapil Sharma Show’s, Sumona Chakravart­i recently shared her personal ordeal with fans through social media. In her long Instagram post she revealed that she is ‘unemployed’ currently and battling Endometrio­sis since 2011. She wrote: “Did a proper workout at home after ages .... Some days i feel guilty, because boredom is privilege. I may be unemployed & yet am able to feed my family & myself.That is privilege...” (sic). She further adds, “Something ive never shared before.I have been battling endometrio­sis since 2011. Been in stage IV for many years now. A good eating habit, exercise & most importantl­y no stress is key to my well being.The lockdown has been emotionall­y hard for me.” (sic). Normalizin­g suffering the actress added, “We are all struggling with something or the other in our lives. We all have our own battles to fight.We’re surrounded by loss, pain, grief, stress, hatred.But all you need is LOVE, COMPASSION & KINDNESS. N then we’ll sail through this storm as well.” (sic).

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