Deccan Chronicle

Why G-7 summit in Cornwall this weekend matters more than most

- James Forsyth By arrangemen­t with the Spectator

It’s risky planning a trip to the British seaside at any time of year. But if the weather forecast is to be believed, Boris Johnson will get away with this gamble at the weekend’s meeting of the G-7 at Carbis Bay in Cornwall.

Brexit’s critics were always going to seize on any evidence that Britain was being sidelined by the rest of the world after leaving the European Union. It’s fortunate for the government the UK is hosting this year’s summit. This G-7 is unusually consequent­ial. It’s the first time these leaders will meet in person for well over a year. This will give the meeting momentum; it’s hard to think of a worse format for diplomacy than group video calls. It’s also the first summit of the new US administra­tion. Every G-7 summit when Donald Trump was in the White House was a damage-limitation exercise. But President Joe Biden is an old-school believer in the Western alliance, and he’ll be keen to make these events work. Just look at the G-7 deal on a global minimum level of corporatio­n tax. This was achieved, in large part, because of

America’s willingnes­s to let other major economies tax its giant technology firms. Finally, this week’s summit has an immediate practical problem to solve: how can the developing world get enough vaccine doses? (In a sign of how Covid-19 is still derailing diplomacy, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi will only attend virtually because of the severity of the pandemic there.)

Britain’s top foreign policy priority is the US relationsh­ip. As Mr Biden was preparing to take office earlier this year, many speculated Britain would be hampered in its bid to have a good relationsh­ip with his team because of its previous close ties to the Trump administra­tion. This has turned out to be wrong. The US and UK are more closely aligned now than they were under Mr Trump.

The US and the UK both believe the world is entering into a new era of competitio­n between the democratic and autocratic worlds. This is a view that’s not yet shared by all of the G-7. The UK has invited Australia, India, South Korea and South Africa to this year’s summit to launch a “Democratic 11” of free countries. Mr Biden wants this to pave the way to an internatio­nal “Summit for Democracy”. The South Africans are a late addition after there were objections that the initial “D10” plan lacked African representa­tion. But the Asian tilt of this group is no accident. The UK sees this as crucial to any effort to contain China.

One potential irritant to the US-UK relationsh­ip is the Northern Ireland protocol. As the UK-EU standoff over the issue intensifie­s, Mr Biden, who makes much of his Irish ancestry, is expected to raise the issue with Mr Johnson in their bilateral discussion­s, though even the EU expects the interventi­on to be relatively mild.

The second priority is collective security. If the UK had one great diplomatic success during the Trump years, it was in keeping Nato together. Given Mr Trump’s ambiguity about the whole principle that an attack on one was an attack on all, it is an achievemen­t in itself that the alliance has survived.

After the G-7 is over, Mr Biden will travel to Brussels for the Nato summit next week. The White House has confirmed Russian authoritar­ianism will be discussed, demonstrat­ing the alliance’s traditiona­l utility. But Russia is, ultimately, a declining threat. As America’s focus shifts to the Pacific, Nato will need to become more relevant to the struggle to contain China. This will have to involve partnershi­ps with groups like the Quad — the emerging alliance of the US, Japan, India and Australia, which is working to counter China in the South China Sea.

The UK, with its connection­s to India and Australia and its role as the biggest European contributo­r to Nato, is well placed to argue for this shift. It won’t be easy to move the alliance in this direction given, for instance, Germany’s publicly stated desire not to divide the world into opposing blocs. But attitudes to Beijing are changing fast. The EU signed an investment treaty with China at the end of last year — yet just three months later it joined a coordinate­d Western effort to impose sanctions on Chinese officials over abuses in Xinjiang.

The final priority is free trade. The UK hopes to sign its first full postBrexit trade deal later this month. The deal with Australia is part of the UK push to join the CPTPP, an 11-nation free trade agreement centred on the Pacific. If the UK joins this agreement, it will not only deepen this country’s links with an area of growing economic and strategic importance but it will also ensure that the UK is part of a group that will become crucial to the global trading system if tensions between the West and China were to make it impossible for the World Trade Organisati­on to function.

The UK needs to stabilise its relationsh­ip with the EU. It will be that much harder for the free world to stand up to Russia and China if the UK is at loggerhead­s with its neighbours. It will require compromise and humility on both sides to fix the issues around the Northern Ireland protocol. It would be bad for the Western alliance if Britain and the EU became the European equivalent of Japan and South Korea, two key US allies who fall out at the slightest provocatio­n.

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