Deccan Chronicle

Biden set to end combat in Iraq

To meet Iraqi PM to begin new phase in ties


Washington, July 26: US President Joe Biden, who will host Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhemi Monday, is expected to launch a “new phase” of the US military presence in Iraq, formally ending combat operations but stopping short of announcing a full withdrawal.

The US troop presence in Iraq will be at the heart of Biden’s talks with Kadhemi, a weakened leader under intense pressure from pro-Tehran armed factions demanding the withdrawal of 2,500 US troops still deployed in the country.

The leaders will also discuss Washington’s support for fighting Covid-19, backing for the Iraqi private sector and cooperatio­n on climate change, according to the White House.

But the main thrust is to provide Kadhemi — in power for little over a year — support to hold onto his job and keep up the fight against the Islamic State group — while also keeping a damper on Iran’s influence in Iraq.

A senior US official who would not be identified praised Kadhemi for being pragmatic and “a problem solver rather than someone who tries to use problems for his own political interests.”Ahead of the visit Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein told Iraqi media the talks would set “a timetable for the withdrawal of American forces.”But Washington wants to maintain a presence to at least support Iraqi forces fighting to prevent a revival of IS.

Last week the group, also known as ISIS, claimed a suicide bombing at a Baghdad market that killed 30 people.

“We’re talking about shifting to a new phase in the campaign in which we very much complete the combat mission against ISIS and shift to an advisory and training mission by the end of the year,” the senior US official said.

The official predicted “additional adjustment­s” could be made by the end of 2021.

“Iraq has requested, and we very much agree, that they need continued training, support with logistics, intelligen­ce, advisory capacity building — all of which will continue,” the official said.

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