Deccan Chronicle

SC refuses to let off Left MLAs


The CPM-led Kerala government sought to put up a brave face despite receiving a huge blow from the Supreme Court on Wednesday in connection with the alleged vandalism in Kerala Assembly in 2015.

The apex court dismissed Kerala government’s petition seeking withdrawal of criminal prosecutio­n against six CPM MLAs including the present education minister V. Sivankutty who had created ruckus in Kerala Assembly while trying to prevent the then finance minister late K.M. Mani from presenting budget on March 13, 2015.

The case was registered under various sections of

IPC including 447 (criminal trespass) and unde the provisions of the Prevention of Damage to Public Property Act.

The Supreme Court bench of Justices Y.V. Chandrachu­d and M.R. Shah said such a ruckus cannot be held to be a parliament­ary proceeding­s.

The Kerala government’s counsel had argued that the incident had taken place in 2015 when the members were part of the Opposition and taking part in a anti corruption agitation.

Reacting to the judgment CPM acting state secretary A. Vijaraghav­an said there was no question of setback and the issue would be fought legally. He ruled out the resignatio­n of education minister Sivankutty saying that it was not against an individual and the protest in the Assembly was against the corruption of the then Congress-led UDF government.

“I respect the Supreme Court verdict. I am prepared to face criminal proceeding­s. I have taken part in many political agitations since student days. This particular protest was against corruption,” said Sivankutty.

Meanwhile, the Opposition Congress demanded minister’s resignatio­n saying he had lost the moral right to continue in office. PCC chief K. Sudhakaran threatened to launch agitation till the minister resigned. Opposition leader V.D. Satheeshan said the apex court verdict was severe indictment of the minister.

In 2015, the opposition

LDF MLAs had resorted to violent protests against Mani who was then facing charges of accepting bribe from bar owners. The LDF MLAs had gone berserk inside the Assembly toppling the Speaker’s chair and then pushing it down from the podium. Electronic gadgets including computers, microphone­s , keyboards were also damaged in the vandalism.

Mani’s party Kerala Congress (M) which was part of the Congress-led UDF then is now a constituen­t of the ruling front. The CPM has done a volte face on Mani who was once accused by the Left leaders as the most corrupt person and someone who kept a currency note counting machine to count bribe money.

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