Deccan Chronicle

Masks back in US over variant fears


Washington, July 29: A little more than two months ago, a beaming President Biden stepped into the Rose Garden to announce that vaccinated Americans no longer needed to wear masks indoors. So much progress had been made against the Coronaviru­s, now they could go back to “greeting others with a smile.”

But anyone smiling inside the White House on Wednesday was supposed to do it once again from behind a mask.

The requiremen­t was back after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said new research showed even vaccinated people could transmit, in rare cases, the more contagious Delta variant.

Reporters and photograph­ers wore masks. Members of the press office wore masks. Biden did too — he was photograph­ed with a mask while talking with an opposition leader from Belarus before leaving for a trip to Pennsylvan­ia.

Vice President Kamala Harris got a head start the day before, wearing a mask during a meeting with Native American leaders. An aide passed out masks to any journalist­s who had already fallen out of the habit of keeping one handy.

Unlike when Donald Trump was president, and his administra­tion disregarde­d public health guidelines, this White House has been a barometer for how federal officials say Americans should protect themselves from the Coronaviru­s.

Now it’s a high-profile showcase for the country’s faltering efforts to end the pandemic as the Delta variant tears through unvaccinat­ed communitie­s, and infections approach levels last seen this spring, before shots were widely available. —

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