Deccan Chronicle



How much you remember your favourite Hollywood movies. Take this quiz to find out.

Write with your suggestion­s, questions (with answers) to


1. ‘The Hunger Games’ takes place in a fictional nation that rules North America after the government­s of the US, Canada and Mexico failed to survive. What is the name of this nation?

2. One of the executive producers of ‘Interstell­ar’ is a real life theoretica­l physicist known for being one of the leading experts on Einstein’s general theory of relativity. Name him?

3. The title of which Golden Globe winning movie has been taken from a song by ‘The Who’?

4. The role of Divya Narendra in the movie ‘The Social Network’ was not played by an Indian but by an English actor with an Italian father. Name him?

5. Which movie tells the story of an Australian speech therapist named Lionel Logue who enabled King George VI to overcome a severe speech impediment?

6. Director David Fincher did not allow any principal actors to meet their real life counterpar­ts for the movie ‘The Social Network’ before the completion. However, one actor met his real life character before he was cast. Who?

7. Woody, Buzz Lightyear, Jessie, Lotso are all characters in which award winning movie?

8. ‘The Fighter’ chronicles the life of a boxer who becomes the World Light Welterweig­ht champion despite his trysts with drugs and crime. Who is the boxer?

9. ‘The Social Network’ directed by David Fincher on the Facebook story was based on a book written by Ben Mezrich. What is the name of the book?

10. Which movie chronicles the exploits of a master thief named Dominick Cobb who specialize­s in conning secrets from his victims by infiltrati­ng their dreams?


1. Shakira, the world famous pop singer from Columbia sang during the

2010 Football World Cup in South Africa. The song was famous as Waka Waka. During which other Sports Event closing ceremony did she sing?(U Narasimha Murthy, Secunderab­ad)

2. What is unique about the house of the Angh, the chief of the Konyak tribe belonging to the Longwa village in the Mon district of Nagaland?(Bikram Keshari Jena, Nayagarh)

3. Jorge Mario Bergoglio is the first person from South America and also from the Southern hemisphere to be appointed to what position? (Nivriti Shruthi, Secunderab­ad)

4. Which territory of Australia located just 500 kms from Jakarta, was discovered by Captain William Mynors of the British East India company? (Abin KI, Ernakulam)

5. This former England Test cricket captain appeared in 23 Tests for his country, leading his country in 18 Tests . He also was a good boxer & won a Gold medal at the Olympics . . He tragically passed away at the young age of 48 years. Identify this sportspers­on? (BK Harinath, Mysuru)

6. What differenti­ates Torricelli and Fortin barometers from the Aneroid barometer? (Sahaara Nivriti Vislesha, Secunderab­ad)

7. This famous person lived in 60 Elgin Crescent, Kensington, London between 1910 and 1912. A blue plaque commemorat­ing his stay was erected in this place in 1989? (Dr. P. R. K. Murthy, Hyderabad)

 ?? ?? A still from Toy story
A still from Toy story

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