Deccan Chronicle

Space crunch hits girls in OU hostels


The steady increase in girls joining college has put Osmania University officials in a quandary. This has resulted in a lack of hostel accommodat­ion for them, because of which around seven to eight girls are forced to share a single room meant for three.

This is also resulting in unhygienic conditions where facilities meant for a few, are being used by many, said Anitha, ABVP member. She added “We do not even have enough beds. Even the food is pretty bad.”

The girls said that even the washrooms were fewer and all of them were dirty.

The situation is worse in Koti women’s college where 25 girls are living in a single room that can accommodat­e around eight. A student from the college said that she is forced to live in a private hostel as the campus did not provide her a room.

Praveen Reddy, ABVP state president, said that in the last two years girls have been getting more admissions when compared to boys. “The admission for boys has been restricted and the PG courses especially have seen a rise in the girl admission ratio. The girls are having a tough time adjusting themselves in small rooms as compared to boys. We have been hearing that new hostel buildings were in the pipeline for the last two years,” he added.

The Vice Chancellor of Osmania University Prof. D. Ravinder however said that very soon after Sankranti celebratio­ns, 500 bedded hostels especially for girl students will be inaugurate­d.

“5 hostel blocks that can accommodat­e around 2,000 students will be inaugurate­d soon which will be divided among different streams for girls. It is a big challenge to accommodat­e girls as there has been a sudden rise in girls’ admission which has increased by 70% compared to the last 2 to 3 years, he said. I started working as the Vice Chancellor from May

2021 and also realised that the hostels were unorganise­d. Very soon we are also inaugurati­ng a hostel in Nizam College campus which will be open to the girl students from our few affiliated colleges,” said Prof. Ravinder.

When asked about student preference for hostels and those who live under 100 kilometres from the university not given a chance to access the campus hostels, he said, “three factors are considered for hostels, 1.) Ones who live far away, 2.) as per their academic marks,

3.) Economic background.”

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