Deccan Chronicle

Instant glowing hair at home


Glowing hair is almost everyone’s dream, but due to neglect or improper care, hair begins to deteriorat­e, resulting in dry and frizzy hair, a problem that occurs almost year round. Nothing beats the allure of natural care that works, as the saying goes. Dr. Navnit Haror, founder and director of Derma Miracle Clinic, shares a few home remedies for hair health and shine.

APPLY AN EGG MASK | Eggs are high in protein, vitamins A and E, minerals, biotin, and folate, all of which are said to make hair thick and shiny. The yolk contains healthy fats that help replenish moisture and keep hair looking sleek and shiny.


1. Take 2-eggs & mix ½ cup of curd & coconut oil.

2. With the help of a brush or hand gently apply all over your hair, starting from the roots.

3. Leave it on for 30 min and rinse with cold water.

MASSAGE WITH ARGAN OIL | Argan oil is unrefined vegetable oil and is produced from the argan tree. It is rich in vitamin E, if you don’t have argan oil instead of that use Vitamin E capsules. Argan oil has many benefits, few are it protects from sun damage, enhances the shine, reduces dry & frizzy hair, and also encourages hair growth.


1. Take 8–10 drops argan oil. Continue massaging for 15 minutes with your hands, from roots to tip.

2. Cover your hair with a shower cap or wrap it in a towel and leave it overnight. You should leave it for at least 30 mins.

4. The better the results, the longer you leave it on.

5. Rinse the oil out with a regular amount of shampoo and conditione­r.

CURD AND ALOE VERA GEL MASK | Curd contains nutrients such as riboflavin, vitamin A, vitamins B6 and B12, and pantotheni­c acid, which help to keep scalp infections at bay. It is also known to reduce dandruff and itchiness. Aloe vera is similarly an antioxidan­t and antibacter­ial. It is an efficient moisturise­r that can help hair to look smooth.


1. Take 4 tbsp of curd & mix it up with 3 tbsp of fresh gel of aloe vera.

2. Apply on damp hair from roots to an end. After 3045 min, rinse and wash your hair with the shampoo.

ONION JUICE | Onion juice can nourish and replenish essential nutrients for hair growth. This product is also antifungal, preventing scalp infection.


1. In a jar, combine 2-4 onions. Separate juice from the paste. Apply it to your scalp and hair directly.

2. Set aside for 20 minutes before rinsing.

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