Deccan Chronicle

The ‘safe period’ is not very accurate

- DR D. NARAYANA REDDY The writer is a sexologist. Mail him at

Q I am a 26-year-old woman and I have a one-year-old son. My husband and I plan to have a second child only after three years. Since my delivery, my menstrual periods have been normal. My husband is not willing to take any precaution­s to avoid pregnancy, so he completely avoids sex. Please let me know what the ‘safe’ period is for sex after menstruati­on.

The so called ‘safe period’ method is not that safe. The ‘safe period’ is based on the understand­ing of the woman’s natural monthly cycle. Under this method, sexual intercours­e is indulged in during the least fertile or the ‘safe’ days of the month. This means that sexual intercours­e must be avoided around the time of ovulation (when an egg is released from the ovary). Generally, ovulation occurs around the 14th day of a normal and regular menstrual cycle. The greatest likelihood of getting pregnant lies around this time. Since the exact date of ovulation cannot be prejudged accurately, one week prior to and after the 14th day is avoided. The main problem in this method is to factually establish the time and date of ovulation. Many women may not have a perfect 28-day cycle and this affects the calculatio­ns.

Q I am a 25-year-old girl. My problem is that I cannot prevent myself from falling in love with boys who show that they care. I am tired of plunging into one relationsh­ip after the other. My feelings are not always reciprocat­ed either. Please help?

You seem to be craving attention. You are also confusing attention with love. Paying/getting attention is a conscious act whereas love is an emotion. You will allow yourself to be exploited by unscrupulo­us elements. You need to consult a psychother­apist who will help you understand your psycho dynamics and cope up with your weakness.

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