Deccan Chronicle

Owaisi flays Allahabad HC order on Madrasa Act, 2004


AIMIM president Asaduddin Owaisi flayed the Allahabad High Court order which said the UP Madrasa Act, 2004 was unconstitu­tional and children studying in them should be suspended. He said that the decision would affect 26 lakh children and 10,000 teachers.

In a post on X (Twitter), Owaisi said: “Articles 29 and 30 of the Constituti­on give the right to every intellectu­al class of India to run their own educationa­l institutio­ns. In this sense, it is a little difficult to understand why the court said that the Madrasa Act is unconstitu­tional. The UP CM has to make it clear whether he will appeal this decision? His government has repeatedly targeted madrassas. The salary of non-religious teachers in madrasas has been stagnant for many years.”

Reminding that he had warned about this impending possibilit­y, Owaisi wrote: “Through survey and SIT the government wants to close those madrasas which are running under Article 30 and do not receive funds from the government. Those running under the Madarsa Modernizat­ion Scheme may not be shut down on the pretext of this decision. When the survey started, I called it a small NRC and many “veteran” Muslim tanzims made fun of me and cooperated with the survey.”

These madrasas are the national institutio­ns of Muslims. From these madrasas our elders had given a fatwa against the British government for Jihad, and from these madrasa many generation­s have learned Islam, Owaisi said.

Madrasas teach us the difference between mischief and jihad, the identifica­tion of right and wrong, the way of living and demand for justice. “Our legal team is following the High Court’s decision in depth, if necessary we will be part of every legal action,” Owaisi said.

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