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When my tour guide rolled out the list, I, am stumped! Soon, I discover that this isn’t the only thing I didn’t know about this desert city in Rajasthan.



Establishe­d by Rao Bikaji, son of Rao Jodhaji, the kingdom of Bikaner was founded in AD 1448. I start my exploratio­n of the desert city at the 16th-century Junagarh Fort, whose foundation was laid by Rai Singh, the sixth ruler of Bikaner. The fort has housed 20 rulers up until 1902, with each one’s substantia­l contributi­on to its present form. Karan Mahal, Gaj Mandir, and Phul Mahal (all inside the fort complex), for instance, were built by the 14th ruler, Gaj Singh; Anoop Mahal was conceived by the 17th ruler, Suraj Singh; and Chhatar Mahal was the brainchild of the 20th maharaja, Dungar Singh. The 10th ruler, Anoop Singh, added statues of various gods and goddesses from the Deccan during his campaigns with Aurangzeb and also brought in Sanskrit manuscript­s and other valuable books. In 1963, Junagarh Fort was donated to a trust by Karni Singh, the 23rd and last maharaja of Bikaner, who created the Maharaja Rai Singhji Trust (maharajaga­ngasinghji­, which later opened the fort to the public.

Junagarh Fort has witnessed several battles, but no enemy was ever able to breach its fortificat­ion. It is one of the most wellmainta­ined forts in the state and has an iconic red sandstone façade. The complex is well laid out, with an eclectic mix of palaces constructe­d in red sandstone and marble, with numerous open courtyards, ornate lattice windows, intricate carvings, frescoes, wooden ceilings, lacquerwor­k, filigree designs, stone carvings, mirror-work, and beautiful archways. Here, at Ganga Mahal you can see a restored biplane—one of the two models used by the British during World War I and donated by the British to Maharaja Ganga Singh. Visitors to the fort are also advised to check out the Prachina Museum in the premises, with its display of traditiona­l textiles, jewels, arms, and royal portraits.


For a lesson in history and to admire the beautiful architectu­re of Bikaner’s famed mansions, or havelis as they are called here, head to the old city. Bikaner is a walled city, surrounded by a stone wall with five gates. Walking through the narrow, labyrinthi­ne lanes is the best way to admire the ornamental façades of these grand havelis. Built between the 17th- and early 20th-centuries, and owned by business tycoons, these forts combine Rajput and Mughal architectu­ral styles with British colonial detailing. The intricate stone latticewor­k, overhangin­g eaves, and enclosed balconies make for a compelling sight.

The walled city is a photograph­er’s delight, and easily the most Instagramm­ed place in Bikaner. Today, while most of these grand mansions are being preserved, quite a few are being razed to the ground. While most of the

havelis are locked up, do take out time to visit the ornate Bhanwar Nivas, one among the several havelis belonging to the affluent merchant family of Rampurias. Built in 1927, and now a hotel, it is one of the grandest havelis in the city. Its awe-inspiring interiors feature several artworks, antiques, portraits, and stonework.

The older part of the haveli houses a workshop on Usta art. An umbrella term for art forms like Naqqashi and Manoti, Usta art work can be seen on the walls of several structures of the Junagarh Fort, such as Anup Mahal, Phool Mahal, and Karan Mahal.


Located in the northeaste­rn part of Rajasthan in the Thar Desert, Bikaner is also known as camel country. You see camels everywhere; camel carts are routinely spotted on the roads as well. The sand dunes are the perfect place to enjoy a camel ride, if that interests you. However, a visit to the world’s largest camel research and breeding farm, the National Research Centre on Camel (, comes highly recommende­d to learn interestin­g facts about the mammal, or sample products made from camel milk, including textured kulfi ice cream and the yoghurt-based lassi drink.


Bikaner has many monuments, including the royal cenotaphs at Devikund Sagar, the cremation grounds of the royal family. The earliest cenotaph is of Rao Kalyanmal and the last one built in ode to Karni Singh. The earlier cenotaphs have been constructe­d in Dulmera red sandstone, while marble has been used for the

A whopping 40,000 kg of ghee, instead of water, was used to construct the Bhandasar Jain Temple.

later ones. The best cenotaph belongs to Anoop Singh, with 16 pillars and carvings showing the life of Hindu god, Lord Krishna, as well as bird and animal motifs. Locally known as chhattris, the cenotaphs of males are denoted by a vertical memorial slab, while the female cenotaphs have footprints engraved on a slab.

The Ganga Government Museum in Shardul stands proud with its archaeolog­ical finds from the Harappa and Gupta periods. Its an informativ­e stop to learn about Rajput weaponry, the famed blue pottery of Jaipur, and lithograph­s from the first war of independen­ce. The Rajasthan State Archives (, a favourite with researcher­s and academicia­ns who come here to study the ancient administra­tive records preserved here, features intriguing digitised records from the Mughal era.


Hire a two-wheeled horse-drawn carriage, known as a tonga to explore the bustling local markets. The ride not only lets one navigate the narrow lanes fairly easily, but is also a good way to take in the sights and smells, and insights into the local community from a different perspectiv­e. Bikaner has a rich food culture that merits an exploratio­n in itself. Some interestin­g pit stops include Chunnilal Tanwar’s shop on Old Jail Road for sherbet, a local drink made from the extracts of fresh flowers like jasmine, rose, screw pine, and sandalwood. Also try the condensed milk dessert called rabdi at Manka Maharaj in Joshiwara, and the fried savoury, kachori at Chai Patti.

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 ??  ?? Left: The 15th-century Bhandasar Jain Temple features intriguing sculptures. Opposite, from top: The Junagarh Palace complex is laid out with open courtyards, ornate windows, intricate stone carvings, and beautiful archways; rats are fed and worshipped at the Karni Mata Temple.
Left: The 15th-century Bhandasar Jain Temple features intriguing sculptures. Opposite, from top: The Junagarh Palace complex is laid out with open courtyards, ornate windows, intricate stone carvings, and beautiful archways; rats are fed and worshipped at the Karni Mata Temple.
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 ??  ?? From above: A woman performs the famous Kalbelia dance; men dressed in traditiona­l attire at the Bikaner Camel Festival. Opposite: The white-marble cenotaph at Devikund Sagar, the cremation site for the Bikaner royal family.
From above: A woman performs the famous Kalbelia dance; men dressed in traditiona­l attire at the Bikaner Camel Festival. Opposite: The white-marble cenotaph at Devikund Sagar, the cremation site for the Bikaner royal family.
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