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Hyderabad brims with serene lakes and gardens, museums displaying impressive collection­s, and other unique attraction­s.


Museum Trail

One of the three National Museums of India, the 1 Salar Jung Museum was originally a private art collection of the Salar Jung family, which was gifted to the nation after the death of Salar Jung III. The biggest individual collection of antiques on the planet, it has 43,000 art objects, over 8,000 manuscript­s, and more than 60,000 books. Built in 2010, the 2 Sudha Cars Museum displays handmade cars by Kanyaboniy­a Sudhakar. Designed to look like everyday objects, the cars can be driven around, but are not for sale. Located at 3 Purani Haveli, the 4 Nizam’s Museum is a repository of souvenirs, gifts, and mementoes presented by dignitarie­s to the last Nizam on his silver jubilee celebratio­ns.

Timeless Lakes

Once, it boasted a staggering 7,000 lakes and other water bodies; today, only 185 remain. Of these, the heart-shaped 5 Hussain Sagar is one of the largest manmade lakes in India. Spread across an area of 5.7 square kilometres, it is renowned for the monolithic statue of Lord Drawing Buddha rangolis that is a daily stands ritual in Chennai the centre households. on the Gibraltar Rock. Named after the seventh Nizam of Hyderabad, 6 Osman Sagar is a serene lake spread over 46 square kilometres. The dam over this waterbody serves as the main reservoir for the twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderab­ad. Straddling the border between two districts in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, the Nagarjuna Sagar Dam across the River Krishna is one of India’s oldest and largest infrastruc­ture projects, and makes for a popular getaway from the city.

Parks & Gardens

7 NTR Gardens is a lovely landscaped park, dotted with ornate lamp posts, water fountains, tall trees, and colourful flowering plants. Barely a minute’s walk from here, 8 Lumbini Park offers boating facilities for tourists to reach the statue of Lord Buddha in the middle of Hussain Sagar. It also plays a fantastic multimedia fountain show that recreates the historical and cultural aspects of the city daily. 9 Indira Park sprawls over 76 acres and is one of the best maintained green spaces in the city.

 ??  ?? Purani Haveli was the official residence of the Nizams.
Purani Haveli was the official residence of the Nizams.

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